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## Hotspot
### Text
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7575B6E9_7AC7_2BC6_41DA_E930631ABA38.text = Moving Plants to Bigger Pots
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_6ED5BEEA_7AC9_FBDA_41D2_72864598E8C4.text = Traslado de Plantas a Macetas Más Grandes
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7574C6FE_7AC7_2BBA_41D3_F9E420821CDA.text = Video \
Consejos para Cultivar Rosas con Éxito
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757656E9_7AC7_2BC6_41B4_BCB375DC30FA.text = Video \
Mover Plantas de \
Interior al Aire Libre \
Dele "click" para Jugar \
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757676E9_7AC7_2BC6_41CA_1EC439EA153F.text = Video \
Moving Houseplants Outdoors \
Click to Play \
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7575C6F6_7AC7_2BCA_41CF_88F517ED9335.text = Video
Choosing the Right
Tools for the Job
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7573F704_7AC7_2A4E_41D2_8D9028A316A5.text = Video
Ciervos Protegiendo
su Jardín
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7574A6FD_7AC7_2BBE_41D8_E71E3D9CC757.text = Video
Container Herb Gardening
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7574E6F9_7AC7_2BC7_41C5_87CE5DC88CDC.text = Video
Container Vegetable Gardening
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757616F2_7AC7_2BCA_41C7_8A521544B91A.text = Video
Cómo Detectar la Diferencia Entre las Especies de Robles
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757656F3_7AC7_2BCB_419B_B5C5CE6E49A8.text = Video
Cómo Podar la Clemátide
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_75739704_7AC7_2A4D_41C1_25F2DDEBFAF3.text = Video
Deer-proofing Your Garden
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757586F5_7AC7_2BCE_41DE_4B60A874B528.text = Video
Eastern Redbud
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757546F7_7AC7_2BCA_41CF_A32B7D9B55EE.text = Video
El Roble Wye Árbol Nacional de Maryland
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757526F7_7AC7_2BCB_41DA_6151AA32AF74.text = Video
Elegir las
Herramientas Adecuadas para el Trabajo
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757646F3_7AC7_2BCB_41BD_B13B3DF22892.text = Video
How to Prune Clematis
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757606F2_7AC7_2BC5_4183_69B5DC855F1E.text = Video
How to Spot the Difference
Between Oak Species
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7574D6F9_7AC7_2BC7_41BF_783A4F710BE7.text = Video
Jardinería de
Hortalizas en Contenedor
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7574B6FE_7AC7_2BBD_41D5_43C0806250AB.text = Video
Jardinería de Hierbas en Macetas
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7576C6F0_7AC7_2BC5_41DC_11F7CBF07EBD.text = Video
Jardín de Invierno
de las Luces
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7574B6F8_7AC7_2BC6_419C_40195916BD5D.text = Video
Native Trees
for Your Garden
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757436FA_7AC7_2BC5_41B3_4C4312B64D30.text = Video
Radical Rejuvenation
of Old Azaleas
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757596F5_7AC7_2BCE_41DE_617D3953B6FF.text = Video
Redbud del Este
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757466FA_7AC7_2BC5_41D5_2988F21BBB81.text = Video
Rejuvenecimiento Radical de Azaleas Antiguas
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757416FF_7AC7_2BBB_41D5_67D571D2CC53.text = Video
TEl Jardín de Rosas
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757436FF_7AC7_2BBB_41CD_AF773E1354A8.text = Video
The Rose Garden
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757516F7_7AC7_2BCA_41D8_9220B3324F56.text = Video
The Wye Oak
Maryland's State Tree
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7574E6FE_7AC7_2BBD_41A5_5F1FE44CF434.text = Video
Tips for Successfully
Growing Roses
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_7576E6F0_7AC7_2BC5_41D9_983185EA4568.text = Video
Winter Garden of Lights
HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_757486F8_7AC7_2BC6_41C3_B6A9B95E7B29.text = Video
Árboles Nativos
Para su Jardín
### Tooltip
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EF2679D6_F8F3_F3A6_41CB_3072D65DDC7D.toolTip = Click to Start or Pause
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6EE58EFA_7AC9_FBC5_41B3_ABA731564644.toolTip = Click to Start or Pause
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FC104E54_F19F_28CC_41D8_CF985D43242C.toolTip = Play Video
### URL
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## Media
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panorama_2B2A476E_3ADD_23F9_41C6_D7A582C2CD6D.subtitle = Children's Garden
panorama_3CD1C1EF_1C6F_0182_41B6_2AB4AACED3BE.subtitle = Children's Garden
panorama_2B2AB91F_3ADD_2F57_41BC_4A297E0DB55F.subtitle = Conservatory Entrance
panorama_2B2ACA3A_3ADD_2D59_41C6_6B9B39B24DFE.subtitle = Conservatory Entrance
panorama_5B0EFCD9_4D0D_F946_41C8_BE08F25CE6FC.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_59A72AE5_4D02_1949_41D2_BDA2ABEB595A.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_5187D594_4864_7500_41C8_AB28FDACAFC0.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_5187E407_4867_EB01_41C4_0AEE5491B10C.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_5187A3E6_4867_AD03_41BC_9EE4C7013C33.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_51878367_4867_ED01_41D0_B5353E909E85.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_5187B4C1_4864_6B00_41BF_77D85E227164.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_470DFE9C_5441_56AE_41AB_8E4F7980E3A2.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_5186C718_4864_B500_41D1_8FC75DE54658.subtitle = Conservatory North House
panorama_8A9A1D34_CB5F_D850_41E3_3B1EFB334D49.subtitle = Conservatory Parking
panorama_5184521C_4864_AF00_41D2_3F28306AD75A.subtitle = Conservatory Parking
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panorama_2878B55F_3AC2_E7D7_41C3_F4818E972DF7.subtitle = Conservatory Path
panorama_2B2A8A63_3ADD_6DEF_4190_90249CF6D4B0.subtitle = Conservatory Path
panorama_51843313_4864_6D01_41C0_A96E80CE0B27.subtitle = Conservatory South House
panorama_5187E3AD_4867_AD00_418B_A393A8A1168C.subtitle = Conservatory South House
panorama_518462B8_4864_AF0F_41C3_AB18DB80FB93.subtitle = Conservatory South House
panorama_518431F4_4864_AD07_41CC_21D3A5767746.subtitle = Conservatory South House
panorama_5184716A_4864_ED00_41C1_5B2A987F652C.subtitle = Conservatory South House
panorama_5187A426_4867_AB00_41CC_E13592CEBE0C.subtitle = Conservatory South House
panorama_602FBA4F_4D06_195A_41C2_BB1643CEA2A6.subtitle = Conservatory South House
panorama_51843396_4864_6D03_41BC_5B81ED15F06C.subtitle = Conservatory South House
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panorama_CC8228E9_C51C_4E62_41D4_F0B28DBE82C4.subtitle = Entrance Gate
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panorama_C8E6E25E_C5F3_8120_41D2_CBAEF2B786CD.subtitle = Entrance Path
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panorama_CC877BEF_C51C_427F_41AB_72E2793DA83B.subtitle = Fragrance Garden
panorama_CC87C75E_C51C_C3A1_41BC_22B795A5FEBF.subtitle = Fragrance Garden
panorama_2B2B872E_3ADD_2379_41C3_A0A30F50B54A.subtitle = Fragrance Garden
panorama_CC87503D_C51C_5DE2_41C0_61EB00CF73E9.subtitle = Fragrance Garden
panorama_CC86AA98_C51C_42A2_41E4_A8EDC4329063.subtitle = Fragrance Garden
panorama_124916B8_23A6_1346_41A1_F906186F350A.subtitle = Fragrance Garden
panorama_CC856F96_C51C_42AE_41D7_C2C1A07E40E1.subtitle = Fragrance Garden
panorama_07441CC9_1601_4674_41A3_051166595DD0.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_06C49F0E_1603_420C_41B3_B952B63718E0.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_06DCDFF5_1603_421C_4197_68E7323D1F3E.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_06F08B6A_161F_4234_41B3_806BF271A262.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_072C1D15_1602_C61C_41B5_1B28ADAC09EF.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_12188260_46F7_6B91_41D0_472B7AF519A9.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_11B764D2_46F3_A8B1_41CF_7D6C7733D40C.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_3A6EC910_4750_B9B0_41C6_FE129B8A8CED.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_06C58C7D_1603_C60C_41A3_ECD0253F5DDB.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_02520658_2088_4F08_41A9_64506779C1EC.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_047567D8_2088_4D08_41BC_0F2F9F9C0E0C.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_06BA7793_1601_4214_41B1_0B49181527C5.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_05872266_2089_C738_41A7_F66E9696B362.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_053A9CDF_20B7_C308_41B9_7FAB693F18ED.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_2F84B8A5_3ACD_6D6B_41B8_523CD71745CC.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_2B2BF685_3ADD_652B_41B1_51AF3F386682.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_2B2B76D1_3ADD_652B_4190_05691B8E1130.subtitle = Gude Garden
panorama_058F4081_2088_43F9_41B4_DE584FB657CD.subtitle = Gude Garden Bridge
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panorama_3A915212_2920_8CE7_41C2_0D5F0D34D1C1.subtitle = Heart Smart Trail
panorama_27F1D896_2920_9DEC_416C_70BCD4262FF5.subtitle = Heart Smart Trail
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panorama_01E7F569_2089_CD09_41AC_3E69455F7C11.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_3BAD3E9A_2098_BF0B_4191_259F2B5F2972.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_0161231C_161E_C213_41B6_859A7BCFCAB2.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_31C82D3F_2088_5D09_41B5_442470FC544E.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_0740F6A8_1606_C234_41B6_068C2AB5ACFC.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_013981C3_1603_FE74_41B0_DB9E0A592C75.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_01A9D829_1601_4E35_41A7_9787FA158A50.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_00366F86_1601_42FC_41AC_1415FD510B15.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_06507F09_1607_C3F4_41AE_1043600E50E9.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_00524C1A_1601_4614_4198_FD568B051311.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
panorama_07D50628_1601_4233_418C_23EA7A0B3368.subtitle = Japanese Tea House
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panorama_518516B0_4864_9700_41CD_F37CA5DE65AB.subtitle = Path to Aquatic Garden
panorama_51853629_4864_7701_41D2_01640D5340EC.subtitle = Path to Aquatic Garden
panorama_5186C733_4864_9501_41CE_ACD59C5A8E60.subtitle = Path to Aquatic Garden
panorama_CC853898_C51C_4EA1_415F_A71BDDEAAA10.subtitle = Path to Frangrance Garden
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panorama_CC873341_C51C_C3A3_41E4_169E6EBA9605.subtitle = Path to Maple Garden
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panorama_2B2AAC43_3ADD_252E_419D_F437D1DE6F9C.subtitle = Path to Woodland Walk
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panorama_CC8596B1_C51C_42E2_41D5_487333F717F7.subtitle = Perennial Garden
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panorama_2B2A8267_3ADF_1DF7_41C1_AD05C58DA320.subtitle = Reflection Terrace
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panorama_2B2AD1A7_3ADF_7F77_41C6_612E13DD66D7.subtitle = Reflection Terrace
panorama_05CE6D99_20BB_DD09_41BB_2E57A7563D51.subtitle = Reflection Terrace
panorama_2B2BD641_3ADD_252B_41BC_5F6DE246C0C0.subtitle = Reflection Terrace
panorama_2B2BB601_3ADE_E52B_419A_EF6E59795AE1.subtitle = Reflection Terrace
panorama_BD37EA5A_3E86_F050_41C0_08C226B67C5C.subtitle = Reflection Terrace
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panorama_EFE13F21_CF8B_65BD_41D1_2983950885D3.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_DC49BB10_CF9E_AD9B_41CF_CFE826A3543B.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_CC86D3A6_C51F_C2E1_41D2_05D5A88E1BE7.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_EB79320C_CF57_EA2D_41D4_A64837A08EF8.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_D8D050A6_CF8A_BC87_41CE_E8B336CCB079.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_DB158312_CF9A_9D9F_41E5_6C36B28DF816.subtitle = Rose Garden
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panorama_C00BA2E8_D337_10FA_41D7_6B0A43331E9D.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_C7940362_D332_F1EF_41DA_A3E9E1302EC2.subtitle = Rose Garden
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panorama_E44DE0E0_CF28_6615_41D4_6502D6203119.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_E3024CAF_D477_FBA6_41E0_82F5235C6990.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_EB016F3B_CF37_FA6B_41E0_F1BAA167A975.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_CC874DCF_C51C_46BF_41E1_3B63A3050AAC.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_EEB26C82_CFBA_AB7F_41D2_0F19CFE8FCB6.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_F95EE9DB_CFD9_A634_41D8_2F5868343378.subtitle = Rose Garden
panorama_CC872B75_C51F_C262_41CD_5C22F8288548.subtitle = Rose Garden \
Rose Garden
panorama_6C9A8BC1_4BFB_F16E_41C5_51025D39CFD2.subtitle = Trial Garden
panorama_6F821C14_4BFB_9716_41D2_6AF5470A3E0F.subtitle = Trial Garden
panorama_6FEFFAFA_4BFC_731D_41C3_4CCAE8EB468C.subtitle = Trial Garden
panorama_518485CC_4865_F507_419D_4B04D8A55072.subtitle = Trial Garden
panorama_CC82077A_C51D_C266_41AC_DAAC3C0BD80C.subtitle = Underlook
panorama_CC83EF58_C51D_C3A2_41D0_BD3829795417.subtitle = Underlook
panorama_CC83F3A0_C51D_C2E1_418F_4CADAE5E1610.subtitle = Underlook
panorama_C9FCF1D5_C6A2_9586_41DF_DEEA60332DD0.subtitle = Underlook Path
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panorama_27D00BC8_2920_7363_41B2_FCAED0815B4B.subtitle = Viburnum Garden
panorama_27FBCAA8_2920_BD23_41B8_5E30A4762E60.subtitle = Viburnum Garden
panorama_27FA1BB7_2920_932C_41B7_28EB5D57B451.subtitle = Viburnum Garden
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panorama_7E764F8F_3D9A_50B0_419F_4AC56CC7B485.subtitle = Visitor Center
panorama_CC85BE6F_C51C_427F_41DF_EAB6EF56359F.subtitle = Visitor Center
panorama_CC82BCF1_C51C_4663_41E0_4304AF678E39.subtitle = Visitor Center
panorama_CC87A648_C51C_C5A1_41CF_18DB6928ED01.subtitle = Visitor Center
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panorama_0376873C_1C79_0286_41A0_62D72BF39F2C.subtitle = Visitor's Center
panorama_02E59CEE_1C79_0782_4194_BD0EC16FEBB1.subtitle = Visitor's Center
panorama_0346CC96_1C79_0782_418C_30FDEDDD8F4B.subtitle = Visitor's Center
panorama_CC86C892_C51D_CEA1_41D1_5ABC56FF846F.subtitle = Wedding Garden
panorama_CC869183_C51D_DEA6_41E2_D44B3072DF59.subtitle = Wedding Garden
panorama_CC86BF43_C51D_C3A6_41E1_5A83A1219839.subtitle = Wedding Garden
panorama_2D760685_3DE2_7DA5_41C7_98AC596FEBAF.subtitle = Wedding Garden
panorama_CC86ECF5_C51D_C662_41C4_6FA14A83E4E4.subtitle = Wedding Garden
panorama_CC870A78_C51C_4262_41E4_254228472276.subtitle = Wedding Garden Pavilion
panorama_32B161BB_2098_4509_41B1_558F6FE37FB1.subtitle = Winter Garden
panorama_2B2D42A9_3ADF_FD7B_41BC_ED34CB8883DF.subtitle = Winter Garden
panorama_2B2D422F_3ADF_3D77_41BE_E2A346B2C68B.subtitle = Winter Garden
panorama_2C1C72AA_3B34_A60C_419B_BCFC001BAFEE.subtitle = Winter Garden
panorama_2B2A82A2_3ADF_1D69_41CA_5A93D2CCDFE1.subtitle = Winter Garden
panorama_2B2A81B7_3ADF_1F57_41B3_654F26C2B15C.subtitle = Winter Garden
panorama_2B2D92A7_3ADF_1D77_41C9_7883A961B6D0.subtitle = Woodland Walk
panorama_CC85BEDA_C51C_C2A6_4194_449B6811C4D0.subtitle = Yew Garden
### Title
panorama_59A72AE5_4D02_1949_41D2_BDA2ABEB595A.label = 001 Conservatory North 1
panorama_06C58C7D_1603_C60C_41A3_ECD0253F5DDB.label = 001 Gude Garden Path 1
panorama_27D00BC8_2920_7363_41B2_FCAED0815B4B.label = 001 Verbrunum Garden
panorama_8A326073_CB5E_68D0_4199_A02E06196E8C.label = 002 40 Grove 1
panorama_5186C718_4864_B500_41D1_8FC75DE54658.label = 002 Conservatory North 2
panorama_3A6EC910_4750_B9B0_41C6_FE129B8A8CED.label = 002 Gude Garden Path 2
panorama_27FA1BB7_2920_932C_41B7_28EB5D57B451.label = 002 Verbrunum Garden
panorama_F51F0350_CB5E_68D1_41C6_3F91CFB39697.label = 003 40 Grove 2
panorama_51875607_4864_9701_4174_086005105D76.label = 003 Conservatory North 3
panorama_11B764D2_46F3_A8B1_41CF_7D6C7733D40C.label = 003 Gude Garden Path 3
panorama_27FBCAA8_2920_BD23_41B8_5E30A4762E60.label = 003 Path Verbrunum Garden
panorama_F51F9411_CB5E_2853_41C4_7B4454C28E86.label = 004 40 Grove 3
panorama_5187D594_4864_7500_41C8_AB28FDACAFC0.label = 004 Conservatory North 4
panorama_12188260_46F7_6B91_41D0_472B7AF519A9.label = 004 Gude Garden Path 4
panorama_27FB394B_2920_9F65_41A7_D58DBCB6B9AD.label = 004 Mulch Path 1
panorama_F51F6514_CB5E_2850_41D1_9B8DD9E8726E.label = 005 40 Grove 4
panorama_5187B4C1_4864_6B00_41BF_77D85E227164.label = 005 Conservatory North 5
panorama_06C49F0E_1603_420C_41B3_B952B63718E0.label = 005 Gude Garden Path 5
panorama_27FBC876_2920_FD2F_41BC_8740DE4A4898.label = 005 Mulch Path 2
panorama_F51F95EE_CB5D_EBF1_41D6_FD6D71BF88EF.label = 006 40 Grive 5
panorama_470DFE9C_5441_56AE_41AB_8E4F7980E3A2.label = 006 Conservatory North 6
panorama_06F08B6A_161F_4234_41B3_806BF271A262.label = 006 Gude Garden Path 6
panorama_27FB77E8_2920_9324_4183_40269108021B.label = 006 Path to Azalea Garden
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panorama_06DCDFF5_1603_421C_4197_68E7323D1F3E.label = 007 Gude Garden Path 7
panorama_1D560D36_4751_D9F0_41CF_0BBA7BD61489.label = 007 Top of Childrens Garden
panorama_51878367_4867_ED01_41D0_B5353E909E85.label = 008 Conservatory North 8
panorama_07441CC9_1601_4674_41A3_051166595DD0.label = 008 Gude Garden Path 8
panorama_5187E407_4867_EB01_41C4_0AEE5491B10C.label = 009 Conservatory North Bridge
panorama_06C4E869_1602_CE34_41A9_5E2239156EEA.label = 009 Labyrinth Bridge
panorama_5187A426_4867_AB00_41CC_E13592CEBE0C.label = 010 Conservatory South 1
panorama_32A2BF81_1603_42F4_41B2_C397D8F05E36.label = 010 Labyrinth
panorama_27FB25DE_2920_971F_41B4_327FE7E36A6E.label = 010 Path to Chess House
panorama_038B2076_2961_8D2F_41B0_197C9BC0D412.label = 011 Chess House
panorama_5187E3AD_4867_AD00_418B_A393A8A1168C.label = 011 Conservatory South 2
panorama_06BA7793_1601_4214_41B1_0B49181527C5.label = 011 Gude Garden Path 9
panorama_51843396_4864_6D03_41BC_5B81ED15F06C.label = 012 Conservatory South 3
panorama_072C1D15_1602_C61C_41B5_1B28ADAC09EF.label = 012 Gude Garden Path 10
panorama_51843313_4864_6D01_41C0_A96E80CE0B27.label = 013 Conservatory South 4
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panorama_5184716A_4864_ED00_41C1_5B2A987F652C.label = 016 Conervatory South 7
panorama_00524C1A_1601_4614_4198_FD568B051311.label = 016 Japanese Tea House 4
panorama_602FBA4F_4D06_195A_41C2_BB1643CEA2A6.label = 017 Conservatory South Entrance
panorama_01A9D829_1601_4E35_41A7_9787FA158A50.label = 017 Japanese Tea House 5
panorama_5184521C_4864_AF00_41D2_3F28306AD75A.label = 018 Conservatory Path Sign
panorama_013981C3_1603_FE74_41B0_DB9E0A592C75.label = 018 Japanese Tea House 6
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### Video Subtitles
## Popup
### Title
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Bienvenido a los Jardines Brookside
Con sus coloridas plantas, estanques relucientes y paisajes impresionantes, Brookside Gardens a menudo se describe como la joya de los parques de Montgomery. Los jardines fueron fundados en 1969 y recibieron su nombre de los sinuosos arroyos y arroyos que rodean este extraordinario jardín de exhibición pública. La propiedad de 50 acres cuenta con jardines de intrincado diseño con exquisitas combinaciones de color, textura, aroma y escala que se fusionan para deleitar los sentidos, todo ello fácilmente visible desde tranquilos senderos para caminar, cómodos bancos y cenadores con sombra.
Los dos invernaderos de Brookside Gardens albergan una intrigante colección de plantas tropicales y exhibiciones de plantas de temporada, además de espectáculos festivos.
Un equipo de catorce horticultores, personal de jardinería estacional y más de 650 voluntarios cuidan las más de 20 000 plantas y los jardines en constante cambio, desde la concepción del diseño hasta la producción de cultivos y el mantenimiento continuo.
Brookside Gardens alberga eventos anuales con entrada, como la cautivadora exhibición Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly & Caterpillar y la increíble exhibición Garden of Lights. Durante todo el año, los jardines brindan interesantes oportunidades de aprendizaje para todas las edades, incluidas clases, conferencias y simposios.
La naturaleza reconstituyente de los Jardines, con sus espacios reflexivos y tranquilos y sus hermosos paisajes, ofrece un respiro del ajetreo y el bullicio diario. ¡Ven a realizar una visita que educará, inspirará y estimulará tu imaginación!
Brookside Gardens es un paisaje cultivado extraordinario e inspirador. A través de jardines bellamente diseñados, diversas oportunidades de aprendizaje y un personal atractivo, motivamos a nuestros visitantes a actuar en sus propias vidas y paisajes para apreciar y cuidar las plantas que los rodean.
Brookside Gardens, como paisaje cultivado y elemento clave de los parques del condado de Montgomery, imagina una comunidad que respeta el mundo natural, busca inspiración en la naturaleza y toma medidas para equilibrar un entorno hermoso y saludable con las necesidades de las generaciones actuales y futuras.
La entrada a los jardines es gratuita.
A lo largo de este recorrido virtual, encontrará botones de información en los que puede hacer clic para brindarle más información sobre lo que ve y videos útiles a lo largo del camino.
HTMLText_51A2E0E4_2BE5_22CF_41BA_9B8B244A96F3_mobile.html =
Bienvenido a los Jardines Brookside
Con sus coloridas plantas, estanques relucientes y paisajes impresionantes, Brookside Gardens a menudo se describe como la joya de los parques de Montgomery. Los jardines fueron fundados en 1969 y recibieron su nombre de los sinuosos arroyos y arroyos que rodean este extraordinario jardín de exhibición pública. La propiedad de 50 acres cuenta con jardines de intrincado diseño con exquisitas combinaciones de color, textura, aroma y escala que se fusionan para deleitar los sentidos, todo ello fácilmente visible desde tranquilos senderos para caminar, cómodos bancos y cenadores con sombra.
Los dos invernaderos de Brookside Gardens albergan una intrigante colección de plantas tropicales y exhibiciones de plantas de temporada, además de espectáculos festivos.
Un equipo de catorce horticultores, personal de jardinería estacional y más de 650 voluntarios cuidan las más de 20 000 plantas y los jardines en constante cambio, desde la concepción del diseño hasta la producción de cultivos y el mantenimiento continuo.
Brookside Gardens alberga eventos anuales con entrada, como la cautivadora exhibición Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly & Caterpillar y la increíble exhibición Garden of Lights. Durante todo el año, los jardines brindan interesantes oportunidades de aprendizaje para todas las edades, incluidas clases, conferencias y simposios.
La naturaleza reconstituyente de los Jardines, con sus espacios reflexivos y tranquilos y sus hermosos paisajes, ofrece un respiro del ajetreo y el bullicio diario. ¡Ven a realizar una visita que educará, inspirará y estimulará tu imaginación!
Brookside Gardens es un paisaje cultivado extraordinario e inspirador. A través de jardines bellamente diseñados, diversas oportunidades de aprendizaje y un personal atractivo, motivamos a nuestros visitantes a actuar en sus propias vidas y paisajes para apreciar y cuidar las plantas que los rodean.
Brookside Gardens, como paisaje cultivado y elemento clave de los parques del condado de Montgomery, imagina una comunidad que respeta el mundo natural, busca inspiración en la naturaleza y toma medidas para equilibrar un entorno hermoso y saludable con las necesidades de las generaciones actuales y futuras.
La entrada a los jardines es gratuita.
A lo largo de este recorrido virtual, encontrará botones de información en los que puede hacer clic para brindarle más información sobre lo que ve y videos útiles a lo largo del camino.
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Arboleda del 40 Aniversario
El Bosque del 40º Aniversario está formado por 40 imponentes cipreses calvos. Plantados como pilares a lo largo del camino cubierto de mantillo, forman una catedral viviente.
Los cipreses calvos son coníferas de hoja caduca y, como su nombre indica, pierden sus agujas en invierno, dejando que la luz del sol brille a través de sus ramas para iluminar el suelo. La luz y la calidez producen jacintos de uva que florecen en primavera, esquila española azul, delicada flor de espuma blanca y narcisos amarillos que convierten el suelo en un tapiz de color. A medida que el clima se calienta y crecen las agujas de los cipreses, Grove se transforma en un respiro sombreado del calor del verano. Exuberantes helechos, plantas perennes que regresan y bulbos en flor cubren el suelo del bosque.
Dirígete hasta el final del sendero donde encontrarás un bosquecillo de papayas nativas, cuya fruta que madura en otoño sabe a crema de plátano. En primavera y verano, este recóndito jardín es el lugar ideal para descansar. Disfrute del olor del agua sobre la tierra cálida, las hojas en crecimiento y las flores fragantes. Escuche los cantos de los jilgueros y los pájaros carpinteros ocupados. Disfrute de la luz del sol moteada que se filtra entre los árboles. Hay pocos lugares más tranquilos en Brookside que el 40th Anniversary Grove.
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Arboleda del 40 Aniversario
El Bosque del 40º Aniversario está formado por 40 imponentes cipreses calvos. Plantados como pilares a lo largo del camino cubierto de mantillo, forman una catedral viviente.
Los cipreses calvos son coníferas de hoja caduca y, como su nombre indica, pierden sus agujas en invierno, dejando que la luz del sol brille a través de sus ramas para iluminar el suelo. La luz y la calidez producen jacintos de uva que florecen en primavera, esquila española azul, delicada flor de espuma blanca y narcisos amarillos que convierten el suelo en un tapiz de color. A medida que el clima se calienta y crecen las agujas de los cipreses, Grove se transforma en un respiro sombreado del calor del verano. Exuberantes helechos, plantas perennes que regresan y bulbos en flor cubren el suelo del bosque.
Dirígete hasta el final del sendero donde encontrarás un bosquecillo de papayas nativas, cuya fruta que madura en otoño sabe a crema de plátano. En primavera y verano, este recóndito jardín es el lugar ideal para descansar. Disfrute del olor del agua sobre la tierra cálida, las hojas en crecimiento y las flores fragantes. Escuche los cantos de los jilgueros y los pájaros carpinteros ocupados. Disfrute de la luz del sol moteada que se filtra entre los árboles. Hay pocos lugares más tranquilos en Brookside que el 40th Anniversary Grove.
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Welcome to Brookside Gardens
With its colorful plantings, shimmering ponds, and breathtaking landscapes, Brookside Gardens is often described as the jewel of Montgomery Parks. The Gardens were founded in 1969 and named for the winding brooks and streams that surround this extraordinary public display garden. The 50-acre property features intricately designed gardens with exquisite combinations of color, texture, scent, and scale that merge together to delight the senses – all easily viewed from tranquil walking trails, comfortable benches, and shady gazebos.
Brookside Gardens’ two conservatories house an intriguing tropical plant collection and seasonal plant displays, in addition to festive holiday shows.
A team of fourteen horticulturists, seasonal gardening staff, and more than 650 volunteers care for the 20,000-plus plants and the ever-changing gardens from design conception to crop production and ongoing maintenance.
Brookside Gardens hosts annual ticketed events, such as the captivating Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly & Caterpillar Exhibit and the amazing Garden of Lights display. Throughout the year the Gardens provide engaging learning opportunities for all ages, including classes, lectures, and symposiums.
The restorative nature of the Gardens, with its reflective quiet spaces and beautiful scenery, offers respite from the daily hustle and bustle. Come for a visit that will educate, inspire, and excite your imagination!
Brookside Gardens is an extraordinary and inspiring cultivated landscape. Through beautifully designed gardens, diverse learning opportunities, and an engaging staff, we motivate our visitors to take action in their own lives and landscapes to appreciate and care for the plants around them.
Brookside Gardens, as a cultivated landscape and key element of Montgomery County Parks, envisions a community that respects the natural world, looks to nature for inspiration and takes action to balance a healthy, beautiful environment with the needs of current and future generations.
Admission to the gardens is free.
Throughout this virtual tour you will find clickable green Info buttons to tell you more about what you see and helpful videos along the way.
HTMLText_0AD0717C_1E87_08CF_41BB_694EFF5A3032.html =
Welcome to Brookside Gardens
With its colorful plantings, shimmering ponds, and breathtaking landscapes, Brookside Gardens is often described as the jewel of Montgomery Parks. The Gardens were founded in 1969 and named for the winding brooks and streams that surround this extraordinary public display garden. The 50-acre property features intricately designed gardens with exquisite combinations of color, texture, scent, and scale that merge together to delight the senses – all easily viewed from tranquil walking trails, comfortable benches, and shady gazebos.
Brookside Gardens’ two conservatories house an intriguing tropical plant collection and seasonal plant displays, in addition to festive holiday shows.
A team of fourteen horticulturists, seasonal gardening staff, and more than 650 volunteers care for the 20,000-plus plants and the ever-changing gardens from design conception to crop production and ongoing maintenance.
Brookside Gardens hosts annual ticketed events, such as the captivating Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly & Caterpillar Exhibit and the amazing Garden of Lights display. Throughout the year the Gardens provide engaging learning opportunities for all ages, including classes, lectures, and symposiums.
The restorative nature of the Gardens, with its reflective quiet spaces and beautiful scenery, offers respite from the daily hustle and bustle. Come for a visit that will educate, inspire, and excite your imagination!
Brookside Gardens is an extraordinary and inspiring cultivated landscape. Through beautifully designed gardens, diverse learning opportunities, and an engaging staff, we motivate our visitors to take action in their own lives and landscapes to appreciate and care for the plants around them.
Brookside Gardens, as a cultivated landscape and key element of Montgomery County Parks, envisions a community that respects the natural world, looks to nature for inspiration and takes action to balance a healthy, beautiful environment with the needs of current and future generations.
Admission to the gardens is free.
Throughout this virtual tour you will find clickable green Info buttons to tell you more about what you see and helpful videos along the way.
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40th Anniversary Grove
The 40th Anniversary Grove is formed by 40 towering bald cypress trees. Planted like pillars along the mulched path they form a living cathedral.
Bald cypress are deciduous conifers and, as the name suggests, loose their needles in winter, letting sunlight shine through their branches to illuminate the ground below. The light and warmth bring forth spring-blooming grape hyacinth, blue Spanish squill, delicate white foamflower, and yellow daffodils that turn the ground into a tapestry of color. As the weather warms and the cypress needles grow, the Grove transforms into a shady respite from the summer heat. Lush ferns, returning perennials, and blooming bulbs cover the forest floor.
Make your way to the end of the path where you’ll find a copse of native pawpaw trees, whose fall-ripening fruit tastes like banana custard. In Spring and Summer, this secluded garden is the ideal place to rest. Take in the smell of water on warm earth, growing leaves and fragrant flowers. Listen for calling goldfinches and busy woodpeckers. Enjoy the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. There are few places more peaceful at Brookside than the 40th Anniversary Grove.
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40th Anniversary Grove
The 40th Anniversary Grove is formed by 40 towering bald cypress trees. Planted like pillars along the mulched path they form a living cathedral.
Bald cypress are deciduous conifers and, as the name suggests, loose their needles in winter, letting sunlight shine through their branches to illuminate the ground below. The light and warmth bring forth spring-blooming grape hyacinth, blue Spanish squill, delicate white foamflower, and yellow daffodils that turn the ground into a tapestry of color. As the weather warms and the cypress needles grow, the Grove transforms into a shady respite from the summer heat. Lush ferns, returning perennials, and blooming bulbs cover the forest floor.
Make your way to the end of the path where you’ll find a copse of native pawpaw trees, whose fall-ripening fruit tastes like banana custard. In Spring and Summer, this secluded garden is the ideal place to rest. Take in the smell of water on warm earth, growing leaves and fragrant flowers. Listen for calling goldfinches and busy woodpeckers. Enjoy the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. There are few places more peaceful at Brookside than the 40th Anniversary Grove.
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Anderson Pavilion
Framed by wisteria, a gently arching bridge leads you to the Anderson Island, which is capped by a shady pavilion that supports climbing red honeysuckle and an espaliered blue Atlas cedar.
The Anderson Pavilion is the perfect perch for a bright afternoon of watching dragonflies skim across the water or dozens of turtles lazily sunning on logs. The steep banks of the island are densely planted with perennials and grasses, interspersed with bright spring bulbs.
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Anderson Pavilion
Framed by wisteria, a gently arching bridge leads you to the Anderson Island, which is capped by a shady pavilion that supports climbing red honeysuckle and an espaliered blue Atlas cedar.
The Anderson Pavilion is the perfect perch for a bright afternoon of watching dragonflies skim across the water or dozens of turtles lazily sunning on logs. The steep banks of the island are densely planted with perennials and grasses, interspersed with bright spring bulbs.
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Aquatic Garden
Shaded by deciduous trees and tucked next to our namesake brook, the Aquatic Garden showcases water-loving plants in two beautiful ponds.
Walk out to the Anderson Pavilion in the western pond for a scenic look over the water. In Spring and Summer, you’ll see golden Japanese irises, daffodils and azaleas in bloom along the edges of the ponds and down the banks of the brook. Keep your eyes peeled for our resident green heron, slightly more diminutive than its blue cousin who tends to spend time in the Gude Garden.
If you stroll along the path bordering the Visitor’s Center, you’ll find ecologically conscious plantings highlighting cover crops that protect and enrich the soil, as well as native plants like black-eyed Susans, ironweed, and bottlebrush buckeye.
For a shady private walk, take the path along the northern perimeter that leads you from the Aquatic Garden, through the back of the colorful Azalea Garden, and finishes at the lush Rain Garden.
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Aquatic Garden
Shaded by deciduous trees and tucked next to our namesake brook, the Aquatic Garden showcases water-loving plants in two beautiful ponds.
Walk out to the Anderson Pavilion in the western pond for a scenic look over the water. In Spring and Summer, you’ll see golden Japanese irises, daffodils and azaleas in bloom along the edges of the ponds and down the banks of the brook. Keep your eyes peeled for our resident green heron, slightly more diminutive than its blue cousin who tends to spend time in the Gude Garden.
If you stroll along the path bordering the Visitor’s Center, you’ll find ecologically conscious plantings highlighting cover crops that protect and enrich the soil, as well as native plants like black-eyed Susans, ironweed, and bottlebrush buckeye.
For a shady private walk, take the path along the northern perimeter that leads you from the Aquatic Garden, through the back of the colorful Azalea Garden, and finishes at the lush Rain Garden.
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Azalea Garden
Right as the frenzy of cherry blossom season dies down in late-April, magnificently colored azaleas burst into bloom, making the pastels of early spring seem spiritless in comparison. As you stroll through the Azalea Garden, you’ll see over 300 azalea varieties in riotous colors like magenta, coral, heliotrope, garnet, and ivory. Each shrub is smothered in hundreds of vivid blossoms, making a walk through this garden an almost psychedelic experience.
If you take the mulched paths deeper into the garden, you’ll be enveloped by sprawling azaleas and other tall woody shrubs such as winter-blooming witch-hazels, evergreen hollies, and flowering Japanese andromeda. Look down to see unfurling green ferns, broad-leafed hostas, bright Virginia bluebells, and yellow woods-poppy.
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Azalea Garden
Right as the frenzy of cherry blossom season dies down in late-April, magnificently colored azaleas burst into bloom, making the pastels of early spring seem spiritless in comparison. As you stroll through the Azalea Garden, you’ll see over 300 azalea varieties in riotous colors like magenta, coral, heliotrope, garnet, and ivory. Each shrub is smothered in hundreds of vivid blossoms, making a walk through this garden an almost psychedelic experience.
If you take the mulched paths deeper into the garden, you’ll be enveloped by sprawling azaleas and other tall woody shrubs such as winter-blooming witch-hazels, evergreen hollies, and flowering Japanese andromeda. Look down to see unfurling green ferns, broad-leafed hostas, bright Virginia bluebells, and yellow woods-poppy.
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Butterfly Garden
Monarchs, Tiger Swallowtails, Orange Sulfurs, Buckeyes, and Pearl Crescents; these are just some of the butterflies that visit Brookside’s outdoor Butterfly Garden.
The beds that line the walk west of the conservatories have been planted with butterfly host and nectar plants specifically to attract the fluttering pollinators. Look closely at the milkweed with its spikey half-moon seed pods. Can you see any black-white-and-yellow-striped monarch caterpillars munching on the leaves? Study the fleecy mauve flowers at the tops of the Joe Pye weed. Can you spot any black swallowtails nectaring?
Nestled in the foliage you may find other interesting insects like sharp-eyed praying mantids, iridescent dogbane beetles, and chartreuse shield bugs. In the Summers, follow the path down to the Wings of Fancy exhibit to see exquisite butterflies from around the world in the South Conservatory.
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Butterfly Garden
Monarchs, Tiger Swallowtails, Orange Sulfurs, Buckeyes, and Pearl Crescents; these are just some of the butterflies that visit Brookside’s outdoor Butterfly Garden.
The beds that line the walk west of the conservatories have been planted with butterfly host and nectar plants specifically to attract the fluttering pollinators. Look closely at the milkweed with its spikey half-moon seed pods. Can you see any black-white-and-yellow-striped monarch caterpillars munching on the leaves? Study the fleecy mauve flowers at the tops of the Joe Pye weed. Can you spot any black swallowtails nectaring?
Nestled in the foliage you may find other interesting insects like sharp-eyed praying mantids, iridescent dogbane beetles, and chartreuse shield bugs. In the Summers, follow the path down to the Wings of Fancy exhibit to see exquisite butterflies from around the world in the South Conservatory.
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Camellia Garden
Camellias are some of the most stunning flowers you can find at Brookside Gardens. Set against dark-green glossy leaves the bright, large-petaled camellia blossoms seem to glow.
In the Camellia Garden at Brookside you’ll find unique varieties of this evergreen shrub blooming throughout the year. Some varieties flower in the late fall and last through early winter like the white-flowered ‘Winter’s Waterlily’ and the charming pink ‘Winter’s Interlude’. Spicy-scented ribbon-petaled witch-hazel flowers accompany these cold-weather camellias through the winter.
In spring, the underlying perennials start to come into bloom. You can spot bright yellow daffodils and jonquils rising from the leaf litter and orange bishop’s hat putting out delicate spiked flowers. In late spring and summer, new camellias bloom, like the bright ‘Tama-no-ura’ with its hot-pink petals surrounding a bouquet of yellow stamens.
Another spring-bloomer is the ‘Bernice Boddy’ with its wide, pale pink petals. In the summer, the camellias are joined by hardy begonia and feathery sweetbox. Make your way to the Camellia Garden every season to catch a glimpse of each spectacular variety.
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Camellia Garden
Camellias are some of the most stunning flowers you can find at Brookside Gardens. Set against dark-green glossy leaves the bright, large-petaled camellia blossoms seem to glow.
In the Camellia Garden at Brookside you’ll find unique varieties of this evergreen shrub blooming throughout the year. Some varieties flower in the late fall and last through early winter like the white-flowered ‘Winter’s Waterlily’ and the charming pink ‘Winter’s Interlude’. Spicy-scented ribbon-petaled witch-hazel flowers accompany these cold-weather camellias through the winter.
In spring, the underlying perennials start to come into bloom. You can spot bright yellow daffodils and jonquils rising from the leaf litter and orange bishop’s hat putting out delicate spiked flowers. In late spring and summer, new camellias bloom, like the bright ‘Tama-no-ura’ with its hot-pink petals surrounding a bouquet of yellow stamens.
Another spring-bloomer is the ‘Bernice Boddy’ with its wide, pale pink petals. In the summer, the camellias are joined by hardy begonia and feathery sweetbox. Make your way to the Camellia Garden every season to catch a glimpse of each spectacular variety.
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Children's Garden
In the Children’s Garden, kids can play and learn among the colorful flowers. This garden is filled with engaging objects and curiosities to explore, as well as natural wonders. Let your kids’ imaginations run wild as they row away in our rowboat or teach their favorite subject in our pint-sized schoolhouse.
Check out a donated book from the colorfully painted Little Library and read together on the plush lawn behind the Visitors Center.
During our winter celebration, Garden of Lights, the adjacent path in transformed into a giant glowing caterpillar you can walk right through. In summer, look closely at the milkweed, black-eyed Susan’s, and purple coneflower by the picket fence to see local pollinators like monarch butterflies and hummingbirds.
This year, the garden’s theme, Exploring Maryland, highlights native plants and favorite pastimes of the Chesapeake Bay State.
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Children's Garden
In the Children’s Garden, kids can play and learn among the colorful flowers. This garden is filled with engaging objects and curiosities to explore, as well as natural wonders. Let your kids’ imaginations run wild as they row away in our rowboat or teach their favorite subject in our pint-sized schoolhouse.
Check out a donated book from the colorfully painted Little Library and read together on the plush lawn behind the Visitors Center.
During our winter celebration, Garden of Lights, the adjacent path in transformed into a giant glowing caterpillar you can walk right through. In summer, look closely at the milkweed, black-eyed Susan’s, and purple coneflower by the picket fence to see local pollinators like monarch butterflies and hummingbirds.
This year, the garden’s theme, Exploring Maryland, highlights native plants and favorite pastimes of the Chesapeake Bay State.
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North House
There are few things more restorative than walking into the heated, verdant North Conservatory on a chilly winter’s day. Year-round this greenhouse is filled with tropical plants from around the globe. Banana trees and palms almost touch the ceiling with their broad leaves, while ferns and vines creep along the loamy beds.
Search by the waterfall for the powderpuff tree (C. haematocephala) with its shockingly pink flocculent flowers. Rub the leaves of the false cardamom ginger (A. nutuens) and inhale the spicy fragrance from Southeast Asia. Can you find the South American cacao tree (T. cacao) with its large, bright orange pods? Walk along the western side of the house to see beautiful displays of flowering plants that change with the seasons.
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North House
There are few things more restorative than walking into the heated, verdant North Conservatory on a chilly winter’s day. Year-round this greenhouse is filled with tropical plants from around the globe. Banana trees and palms almost touch the ceiling with their broad leaves, while ferns and vines creep along the loamy beds.
Search by the waterfall for the powderpuff tree (C. haematocephala) with its shockingly pink flocculent flowers. Rub the leaves of the false cardamom ginger (A. nutuens) and inhale the spicy fragrance from Southeast Asia. Can you find the South American cacao tree (T. cacao) with its large, bright orange pods? Walk along the western side of the house to see beautiful displays of flowering plants that change with the seasons.
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South House
For a magical experience any time of year, come to the South Conservatory at Brookside Gardens.
In Summer, the greenhouse is transformed into Wings of Fancy, our extraordinary live butterfly exhibit featuring hundreds of fluttering butterflies from around the world. In Fall, the stunning Chrysanthemum Show is in full bloom.
With Winter comes our Garden Railway, a miniature train display showcasing historical Maryland sites, including a model of our very own Conservatories. Our Spring show makes dreary days bright with fragrant, colorful flowers and flourishing greenery. Stop by to see what’s on display today!
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South House
For a magical experience any time of year, come to the South Conservatory at Brookside Gardens.
In Summer, the greenhouse is transformed into Wings of Fancy, our extraordinary live butterfly exhibit featuring hundreds of fluttering butterflies from around the world. In Fall, the stunning Chrysanthemum Show is in full bloom.
With Winter comes our Garden Railway, a miniature train display showcasing historical Maryland sites, including a model of our very own Conservatories. Our Spring show makes dreary days bright with fragrant, colorful flowers and flourishing greenery. Stop by to see what’s on display today!
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Fragrance Garden
A visit to the Fragrance Garden is a multi-sensory experience. Each plant has been selected not only for its beauty, but also its olfactory allure.
In the center of the garden a series of hexagonal beds, joined like honeycomb, are filled with seasonally fragrant flowers: delicate tulips (Tulipa spp.) and fritillaria (Fritillaria spp.) in Spring, ambrosial stock (M. incana) and angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia spp.) in Summer; and herbaceous chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum spp.) in Autumn.
Be sure to walk the boundaries of the garden to find fragrant perennial gems like gardenia (Gardenia spp.), pineapple mint (M. suaveolens), and ponderosa lemon (Citrus x pyriformis). Arbors draped in wisteria (Wisteria spp.) line the northern edge, shading wooden benches with graceful clusters of purple flowers in the warmer months and golden leaves when it’s cool.
Take a rest under the copper-roofed gazebo in the heart of the garden and enjoy the sweetly scented air.
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Fragrance Garden
A visit to the Fragrance Garden is a multi-sensory experience. Each plant has been selected not only for its beauty, but also its olfactory allure.
In the center of the garden a series of hexagonal beds, joined like honeycomb, are filled with seasonally fragrant flowers: delicate tulips (Tulipa spp.) and fritillaria (Fritillaria spp.) in Spring, ambrosial stock (M. incana) and angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia spp.) in Summer; and herbaceous chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum spp.) in Autumn.
Be sure to walk the boundaries of the garden to find fragrant perennial gems like gardenia (Gardenia spp.), pineapple mint (M. suaveolens), and ponderosa lemon (Citrus x pyriformis). Arbors draped in wisteria (Wisteria spp.) line the northern edge, shading wooden benches with graceful clusters of purple flowers in the warmer months and golden leaves when it’s cool.
Take a rest under the copper-roofed gazebo in the heart of the garden and enjoy the sweetly scented air.
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Heart Smart Trail
The Heart Smart Trail program is intended to encourage people to take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Walking can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, improve blood pressure control, decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer and help control weight. Heart Smart Trails are generally 1-mile in length or less and follow a hard surface, level path. Bronze medallions are embedded in the path every 1/10 of a mile so walkers can keep track of the distance they have traveled.Go ahead…take your first step toward a healthier life!
Located at Wheaton Regional Park, the trail follows a popular pathway around this 50-acre public display garden that is open year round, sunrise to sunset. The trail begins at the rear of the Visitors Center. Use the “Walking Log” to record the date, distance traveled, and the time it took for you to walk the trail.
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Heart Smart Trail
The Heart Smart Trail program is intended to encourage people to take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Walking can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, improve blood pressure control, decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer and help control weight. Heart Smart Trails are generally 1-mile in length or less and follow a hard surface, level path. Bronze medallions are embedded in the path every 1/10 of a mile so walkers can keep track of the distance they have traveled.Go ahead…take your first step toward a healthier life!
Located at Wheaton Regional Park, the trail follows a popular pathway around this 50-acre public display garden that is open year round, sunrise to sunset. The trail begins at the rear of the Visitors Center. Use the “Walking Log” to record the date, distance traveled, and the time it took for you to walk the trail.
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Japanese Tea House
The delicate wooden Japanese Tea House, silvered with age, perches atop an island in the water. Around the Tea House, you’ll find exotic conifers, choice perennials, flowering cherries, and delicate Japanese maple trees. In spring and fall, the Tea House is the site of wellness classes, including Yoga and Tai Chi, where the calmness of the site enhances the meditative quality of the disciplined movements.
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Japanese Tea House
The delicate wooden Japanese Tea House, silvered with age, perches atop an island in the water. Around the Tea House, you’ll find exotic conifers, choice perennials, flowering cherries, and delicate Japanese maple trees. In spring and fall, the Tea House is the site of wellness classes, including Yoga and Tai Chi, where the calmness of the site enhances the meditative quality of the disciplined movements.
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Located on a knoll in the Gude Garden, the Labyrinth is a singular curving path that leads to a center point. Dating back thousands of years, labyrinths were used for meditation, dance or the site of rituals and ceremony.
Today, visitors walk the labyrinth in mindful meditation, while children often run along the path in a noisy race to the middle.
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Located on a knoll in the Gude Garden, the Labyrinth is a singular curving path that leads to a center point. Dating back thousands of years, labyrinths were used for meditation, dance or the site of rituals and ceremony.
Today, visitors walk the labyrinth in mindful meditation, while children often run along the path in a noisy race to the middle.
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Maple Terrace
The Maple Terrace is one of the best gardens to return to season after season. As the weather changes, this interplanted formal garden transforms, each evolution as beautiful as the last. In early Spring yellow winter aconite, white snowdrops, and purple irises arrive to brighten the mood. Summer brings the periwinkle blooms of blue leadwort, whose leaves turn crimson as the weather cools.
The garden is most brilliant in Autumn when the scarlet leafage of the ‘Suminagashi’ Japanese maples sets the terrace aflame with color. Sit on the benches surrounding the garden to enjoy the trickling blue fountain and the stunning fall foliage.
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Maple Terrace
The Maple Terrace is one of the best gardens to return to season after season. As the weather changes, this interplanted formal garden transforms, each evolution as beautiful as the last. In early Spring yellow winter aconite, white snowdrops, and purple irises arrive to brighten the mood. Summer brings the periwinkle blooms of blue leadwort, whose leaves turn crimson as the weather cools.
The garden is most brilliant in Autumn when the scarlet leafage of the ‘Suminagashi’ Japanese maples sets the terrace aflame with color. Sit on the benches surrounding the garden to enjoy the trickling blue fountain and the stunning fall foliage.
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The Overlook was designed as a multi-functional space to support programs and events. During the week, it is used for school and tour bus parking with a seating area overlooking the Aquatic Garden. For special events, it can be tented for weddings and other social occasions. And during festivals, the Overlook is used for food trucks and other vendors.
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The Overlook was designed as a multi-functional space to support programs and events. During the week, it is used for school and tour bus parking with a seating area overlooking the Aquatic Garden. For special events, it can be tented for weddings and other social occasions. And during festivals, the Overlook is used for food trucks and other vendors.
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Parking Garden
The Parking Garden is a beautiful example of large-scale functional gardening. This garden has been designed to increase the quality of the surrounding environment while benefiting the creatures that visit and reside at Brookside Gardens.
The beds, hillside meadow, and permeable pavement work together to collect and filter rainwater before it flows to the ponds in the Aquatic Gardens. Densely planted perennials and grasses leave little room for weeds and don’t require pesticides or fertilizers. Keep your eye out for dainty daisy-shaped fleabane and red-stemmed white-flowered bowman’s root in early spring.
Look for bright lobelia and tall coneflowers in the summer, and beautiful asters and goldenrods in the fall. In winter, the vegetation is left uncut to provide food and shelter for wildlife like red-wing blackbirds and chipmunks. In spring, the gardeners cut back the vegetation and use the recycled plant material as natural mulch.
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Parking Garden
The Parking Garden is a beautiful example of large-scale functional gardening. This garden has been designed to increase the quality of the surrounding environment while benefiting the creatures that visit and reside at Brookside Gardens.
The beds, hillside meadow, and permeable pavement work together to collect and filter rainwater before it flows to the ponds in the Aquatic Gardens. Densely planted perennials and grasses leave little room for weeds and don’t require pesticides or fertilizers. Keep your eye out for dainty daisy-shaped fleabane and red-stemmed white-flowered bowman’s root in early spring.
Look for bright lobelia and tall coneflowers in the summer, and beautiful asters and goldenrods in the fall. In winter, the vegetation is left uncut to provide food and shelter for wildlife like red-wing blackbirds and chipmunks. In spring, the gardeners cut back the vegetation and use the recycled plant material as natural mulch.
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Perennial Garden
The Perennial Garden, just west of the Conservatories, may be at its most spectacular in the height of summer. In the August heat, lush flora reaches past the borders of the beds almost overflowing the walls that surround the formal garden. Feathery reed grasses, bright hollyhocks, and alliums with heads like fireworks stand tall and wave in the warm breeze. Starry-shaped asters in pinks, blues and yellows along with cones of Buddleia flowers provide nectar to the many visiting bumblebees and butterflies.
The center of the garden is graced by a shimmering pool decorated with bountiful planted containers. If you need inspiration for your own garden, this is the place. The plants in the Perennial Garden do well in Maryland’s hot summers and cold winters and come back year after year.
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Perennial Garden
The Perennial Garden, just west of the Conservatories, may be at its most spectacular in the height of summer. In the August heat, lush flora reaches past the borders of the beds almost overflowing the walls that surround the formal garden. Feathery reed grasses, bright hollyhocks, and alliums with heads like fireworks stand tall and wave in the warm breeze. Starry-shaped asters in pinks, blues and yellows along with cones of Buddleia flowers provide nectar to the many visiting bumblebees and butterflies.
The center of the garden is graced by a shimmering pool decorated with bountiful planted containers. If you need inspiration for your own garden, this is the place. The plants in the Perennial Garden do well in Maryland’s hot summers and cold winters and come back year after year.
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Rain Garden
As you enter the gardens near the conservatories, the dense, flourishing Rain Garden welcomes you to Brookside. Planted at the base of a grassy slope, this garden was designed to catch rainwater runoff from the lawn above.
The Rain Garden includes trees, shrubs and perennials that specifically help hold and filter water, preventing flooding and allowing the water to soak into the soil with fewer contaminants. This area is not only functional, but lovely. Pink-flowered mountain laurel, bright-leaved huckleberry, and native deciduous azalea provide structure and color. A multitude of water-friendly irises in all shades bloom in the summertime.
Throughout the year, tulips, elephant ears, mums and other plants are added to the beds to mark the changing seasons. Foliate ferns and evergreens assure the garden is verdant even through the colder months. If you visit in January, peek under the gingko tree to see delicate white snowdrops poking through the snow and leaf litter.
Stop by the Rain Garden to see how you could add ecologically conscious beauty and utility to a low rainy spot in your own garden.
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Rain Garden
As you enter the gardens near the conservatories, the dense, flourishing Rain Garden welcomes you to Brookside. Planted at the base of a grassy slope, this garden was designed to catch rainwater runoff from the lawn above.
The Rain Garden includes trees, shrubs and perennials that specifically help hold and filter water, preventing flooding and allowing the water to soak into the soil with fewer contaminants. This area is not only functional, but lovely. Pink-flowered mountain laurel, bright-leaved huckleberry, and native deciduous azalea provide structure and color. A multitude of water-friendly irises in all shades bloom in the summertime.
Throughout the year, tulips, elephant ears, mums and other plants are added to the beds to mark the changing seasons. Foliate ferns and evergreens assure the garden is verdant even through the colder months. If you visit in January, peek under the gingko tree to see delicate white snowdrops poking through the snow and leaf litter.
Stop by the Rain Garden to see how you could add ecologically conscious beauty and utility to a low rainy spot in your own garden.
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Reflection Terrace
The Reflection Terrace provides a wide-angle view of the six-acre Gude Garden, which is designed in the “pond and island” style of Japanese Gardens. The strong horizontal and vertical planes of local Carderock stone evoke a symbolic landscape that transitions from dense conifers on the mountaintops to grassy meadows to waterside beach. At the water’s edge, low stones mimic a fishing pier.
Plantings of flowering cherries and Japanese maples provide spring and fall color. Large standing stones in Reflection Terrace are engraved with the names of the victims lost in the 2002 sniper shootings in the DC metro area.
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Reflection Terrace
The Reflection Terrace provides a wide-angle view of the six-acre Gude Garden, which is designed in the “pond and island” style of Japanese Gardens. The strong horizontal and vertical planes of local Carderock stone evoke a symbolic landscape that transitions from dense conifers on the mountaintops to grassy meadows to waterside beach. At the water’s edge, low stones mimic a fishing pier.
Plantings of flowering cherries and Japanese maples provide spring and fall color. Large standing stones in Reflection Terrace are engraved with the names of the victims lost in the 2002 sniper shootings in the DC metro area.
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Rose Garden
The Rose Garden at summertime provides a radiant profusion of color. As you walk around the formal geometric beds, you’ll see over 100 varieties of roses of all types. Look for stunning cultivars like the bright salmon ‘Marmalade Skies’, the sumptuous ‘Midnight Blue’, and the sunset hued ‘Love and Peace’. Be sure to stop and smell some of the hybrid-tea roses, many of which are bred for their enchanting fragrance. Keep your eyes peeled for the green nameplates that indicate the American Rose Society’s All-America Rose Selections.
In the center of the garden you’ll find benches shaded by lofty crepe myrtles, characterized by their rusty trunks and crowns of purple flowers. Along the western border you can walk under a pergola adorned with a canopy of sweetly scented climbing wisteria. Sit by the reflecting pool for a moment of pure tranquility.
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Rose Garden
The Rose Garden at summertime provides a radiant profusion of color. As you walk around the formal geometric beds, you’ll see over 100 varieties of roses of all types. Look for stunning cultivars like the bright salmon ‘Marmalade Skies’, the sumptuous ‘Midnight Blue’, and the sunset hued ‘Love and Peace’. Be sure to stop and smell some of the hybrid-tea roses, many of which are bred for their enchanting fragrance. Keep your eyes peeled for the green nameplates that indicate the American Rose Society’s All-America Rose Selections.
In the center of the garden you’ll find benches shaded by lofty crepe myrtles, characterized by their rusty trunks and crowns of purple flowers. Along the western border you can walk under a pergola adorned with a canopy of sweetly scented climbing wisteria. Sit by the reflecting pool for a moment of pure tranquility.
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Trial Garden
The Trial Garden is located along a hillside overlooking the east side of the Conservatories. This space allows our gardeners to explore and experiment with all the horticultural possibilities.
Throughout the years the Trail Garden has featured a myriad of innovative displays including a cocktail-themed garden of aromatic herbs, beds of delicious vegetables, and thousands of spring flowering bulbs.
This garden offers plenty of inspiration for home gardeners including a low-maintenance bed, beds featuring All-American Selection annuals, and summer displays of new and unusual plant varieties.
No matter the season, you’ll find compelling blends of color, texture, and taxonomy in the Trial Garden and we guarantee you’ll want to take some ideas home with you.
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Trial Garden
The Trial Garden is located along a hillside overlooking the east side of the Conservatories. This space allows our gardeners to explore and experiment with all the horticultural possibilities.
Throughout the years the Trail Garden has featured a myriad of innovative displays including a cocktail-themed garden of aromatic herbs, beds of delicious vegetables, and thousands of spring flowering bulbs.
This garden offers plenty of inspiration for home gardeners including a low-maintenance bed, beds featuring All-American Selection annuals, and summer displays of new and unusual plant varieties.
No matter the season, you’ll find compelling blends of color, texture, and taxonomy in the Trial Garden and we guarantee you’ll want to take some ideas home with you.
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The Underlook is a restful, shady spot for visitors to enjoy the view of the Aquatic Garden ponds while listening to the burbling water of the adjacent fountain.
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The Underlook is a restful, shady spot for visitors to enjoy the view of the Aquatic Garden ponds while listening to the burbling water of the adjacent fountain.
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Viburnum Garden
As the weather warms and spring flowers bloom, make your way to the Viburnum Garden. This garden is comprised of a collection of uniquely beautiful viburnums, flowering and fruiting shrubs, as well as native perennials.
Look for the ‘Compact Koreanspice’ viburnum with its fluffy snowball-like clusters of pale flowers. Lean in to smell the sweet fragrance of the tiny white blossoms. If you visit in early spring, you’ll find the stunning ‘Charles Lamont’ viburnum in bloom. This shrub’s dark, bare branches are adorned with clusters of pink flowers, echoing the lovely cherry blossom trees blooming throughout the gardens.
In the Summer months, see if you can spot the remarkable coloration of the ‘Aphrodite’ sweetshrub with its wine-red flowers set against glossy deep-green leaves. Make sure to find the highbush blueberry bushes amongst the viburnums.
In Spring, these shrubs drip with small bell-shaped flowers that, with the help of visiting pollinators, turn into sweet blueberries in the summer.
Planted with the shrubs you’ll also find colorful perennials, like the blue trumpet-shaped blooms of gentian, and native conifers, like feathery Atlantic white cedar.
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Viburnum Garden
As the weather warms and spring flowers bloom, make your way to the Viburnum Garden. This garden is comprised of a collection of uniquely beautiful viburnums, flowering and fruiting shrubs, as well as native perennials.
Look for the ‘Compact Koreanspice’ viburnum with its fluffy snowball-like clusters of pale flowers. Lean in to smell the sweet fragrance of the tiny white blossoms. If you visit in early spring, you’ll find the stunning ‘Charles Lamont’ viburnum in bloom. This shrub’s dark, bare branches are adorned with clusters of pink flowers, echoing the lovely cherry blossom trees blooming throughout the gardens.
In the Summer months, see if you can spot the remarkable coloration of the ‘Aphrodite’ sweetshrub with its wine-red flowers set against glossy deep-green leaves. Make sure to find the highbush blueberry bushes amongst the viburnums.
In Spring, these shrubs drip with small bell-shaped flowers that, with the help of visiting pollinators, turn into sweet blueberries in the summer.
Planted with the shrubs you’ll also find colorful perennials, like the blue trumpet-shaped blooms of gentian, and native conifers, like feathery Atlantic white cedar.
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Wedding Gazebo
Tucked into the heart of the garden is the lovely and romantic Wedding Gazebo. Surrounded by trees and greenery, this area of the garden feels like a private retreat. The light green copper roof is complimented by all seasonal coloration; the pastel spring, verdant summer, and bronze autumn.
In Winter, the Gazebo is transformed into a glowing spectacle for our annual celebration, Garden of Lights. Whether you’re considering the Gardens for your celebration, or if you’re simply one of our wonderful visitors, take a moment to enjoy the undisturbed serenity of the Wedding Gazebo.
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Wedding Gazebo
Tucked into the heart of the garden is the lovely and romantic Wedding Gazebo. Surrounded by trees and greenery, this area of the garden feels like a private retreat. The light green copper roof is complimented by all seasonal coloration; the pastel spring, verdant summer, and bronze autumn.
In Winter, the Gazebo is transformed into a glowing spectacle for our annual celebration, Garden of Lights. Whether you’re considering the Gardens for your celebration, or if you’re simply one of our wonderful visitors, take a moment to enjoy the undisturbed serenity of the Wedding Gazebo.
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Winter Garden
The Winter Garden is wonderfully different from the rest of the gardens, in that its most colorful in the coldest months. In late winter and early spring, bare yellow-twig and red-twig dogwood branches stand out from the drab dormant vegetation of the other gardens.
Weeping tendrils of yellow-flowered winter jasmine pour over the beds. Christmas fern and red spider lily cover the ground in a carpet of green. Evergreen hollies and bare-branched winterberries are decorated with bright red fruits. Look for the paperbush with its hanging bundles of sweet-scented yellow and white flowers. Notice the spidery witch-hazels flowers in yellow and copper.
In contrast to the abundance of color in winter and spring, the Winter Garden turns white in the summer, designed to look snow-covered during the hottest months. Look for tall clusters of white hydrangeas and azaleas. The quince tree in the center of the garden has beautiful white blossoms. Along the ground, you can find plumes of white astilbe, delicate cups of anemone flowers, and the tiny bright blooms of bugleweed and lungwort.
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Winter Garden
The Winter Garden is wonderfully different from the rest of the gardens, in that its most colorful in the coldest months. In late winter and early spring, bare yellow-twig and red-twig dogwood branches stand out from the drab dormant vegetation of the other gardens.
Weeping tendrils of yellow-flowered winter jasmine pour over the beds. Christmas fern and red spider lily cover the ground in a carpet of green. Evergreen hollies and bare-branched winterberries are decorated with bright red fruits. Look for the paperbush with its hanging bundles of sweet-scented yellow and white flowers. Notice the spidery witch-hazels flowers in yellow and copper.
In contrast to the abundance of color in winter and spring, the Winter Garden turns white in the summer, designed to look snow-covered during the hottest months. Look for tall clusters of white hydrangeas and azaleas. The quince tree in the center of the garden has beautiful white blossoms. Along the ground, you can find plumes of white astilbe, delicate cups of anemone flowers, and the tiny bright blooms of bugleweed and lungwort.
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Woodland Walk
A stroll along the Woodland Walk takes you from the manicured gardens of Brookside into an acre of serene wetland forest. Beneath a canopy of bald cypress and tulip poplar, fragrant and lemony spicebush, umbrella-leafed mayapple and thick skunk cabbage fill out the understory.
As you walk along the wooden boardwalk notice the native plant garden with over 120 species and cultivars of Maryland natives. Look for eastern columbine with its architectural scarlet flowers, bright orange and spotted turk’s-cap lilies, and delicate white mountain mint.
Take a rest on the octagonal observation deck to listen and watch for birds and other local wildlife. If you make your way along the length of the boardwalk, you’ll find the bridge to Brookside Nature Center. As you cross the bridge, check the brook for basking turtles, chirping frogs, and long-legged water-striders. Head up to the Nature Center to learn more about the flora and fauna you may have seen in the Woodland Walk garden.
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Woodland Walk
A stroll along the Woodland Walk takes you from the manicured gardens of Brookside into an acre of serene wetland forest. Beneath a canopy of bald cypress and tulip poplar, fragrant and lemony spicebush, umbrella-leafed mayapple and thick skunk cabbage fill out the understory.
As you walk along the wooden boardwalk notice the native plant garden with over 120 species and cultivars of Maryland natives. Look for eastern columbine with its architectural scarlet flowers, bright orange and spotted turk’s-cap lilies, and delicate white mountain mint.
Take a rest on the octagonal observation deck to listen and watch for birds and other local wildlife. If you make your way along the length of the boardwalk, you’ll find the bridge to Brookside Nature Center. As you cross the bridge, check the brook for basking turtles, chirping frogs, and long-legged water-striders. Head up to the Nature Center to learn more about the flora and fauna you may have seen in the Woodland Walk garden.
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Yew Garden
Neatly trimmed hedges frame the idyllic Yew Garden. As you enter under an arch of fragrant climbing hyacinth vine, you’ll see a tidy lawn bordered by a mix of colorful seasonal plantings, including annuals like open-faced, vibrant vinca and exquisite tropicals like tall, vivid canna lilies. Included in the bordering beds are the unique flowering crabapple trees, trained to have parallel branches in the espalier style. As you stroll along the central path, notice how striking the bright blooms are against the dark backdrop of the evergreen yew.
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Yew Garden
Neatly trimmed hedges frame the idyllic Yew Garden. As you enter under an arch of fragrant climbing hyacinth vine, you’ll see a tidy lawn bordered by a mix of colorful seasonal plantings, including annuals like open-faced, vibrant vinca and exquisite tropicals like tall, vivid canna lilies. Included in the bordering beds are the unique flowering crabapple trees, trained to have parallel branches in the espalier style. As you stroll along the central path, notice how striking the bright blooms are against the dark backdrop of the evergreen yew.
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South Terrace
From spring to fall, 30 different types of flowering bulbs bloom in succession under the ginkgoes in the South Terrace, bringing color to the garden month after month.
Be sure to find the pre-historic beds on the Visitors Center Terrace to see ancient horsetail and ginkgoes, plants that have been around since the dinosaurs roamed. On summer evenings, the South Terrace is often rented for weddings and other social events.
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South Terrace
From spring to fall, 30 different types of flowering bulbs bloom in succession under the ginkgoes in the South Terrace, bringing color to the garden month after month.
Be sure to find the pre-historic beds on the Visitors Center Terrace to see ancient horsetail and ginkgoes, plants that have been around since the dinosaurs roamed. On summer evenings, the South Terrace is often rented for weddings and other social events.
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Gude Garden
The Gude Garden, created in 1972 as a memorial to local nurseryman Adolf Gude Sr., is the largest and most structurally diverse garden area at Brookside Gardens. Many of the plants in the garden were donated by the Gude family themselves, who’ve been in the horticultural business since their first horse-drawn flower cart in 1889.
As you walk toward the southwest corner of the garden you’ll notice rolling green hills surrounding a large pond, which is home to basking turtles, shimmering goldfish, and statuesque blue herons. The pond is bookended by the Reflection Terrace to the east and the meditative walking Labyrinth to the west.
The Gude Garden offers beauty in every season. In Winter, snow and ice frost the Teahouse and pond, transmuting the flora into crystalline formations. In Spring, the weeping cherry trees decorate the garden with pink blossoms. In Summer, flowering aquatic plants burst from the surface of the pond, adding to the verdancy of the sloped hills and leafy island. In Fall, the garden is decorated with russet foliage of Japanese maples.
Come to the Gude Garden for a moment of reflection and to spot some of our most unique plants and animals.
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Gude Garden
The Gude Garden, created in 1972 as a memorial to local nurseryman Adolf Gude Sr., is the largest and most structurally diverse garden area at Brookside Gardens. Many of the plants in the garden were donated by the Gude family themselves, who’ve been in the horticultural business since their first horse-drawn flower cart in 1889.
As you walk toward the southwest corner of the garden you’ll notice rolling green hills surrounding a large pond, which is home to basking turtles, shimmering goldfish, and statuesque blue herons. The pond is bookended by the Reflection Terrace to the east and the meditative walking Labyrinth to the west.
The Gude Garden offers beauty in every season. In Winter, snow and ice frost the Teahouse and pond, transmuting the flora into crystalline formations. In Spring, the weeping cherry trees decorate the garden with pink blossoms. In Summer, flowering aquatic plants burst from the surface of the pond, adding to the verdancy of the sloped hills and leafy island. In Fall, the garden is decorated with russet foliage of Japanese maples.
Come to the Gude Garden for a moment of reflection and to spot some of our most unique plants and animals.
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Visitor's Center
At the heart of the Gardens, the Visitors Center is the starting point for any garden visit. At the Information Desk, pick up a map at the Information Desk and find out what garden areas are looking their best. Register for a gardening class for adults or a fun hands-on camp for kids. Pick up a memento of your visit in the Gift Shop, or find out if Brookside Gardens might be the perfect place to rent for your upcoming wedding or corporate event.
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Visitor's Center
At the heart of the Gardens, the Visitors Center is the starting point for any garden visit. At the Information Desk, pick up a map at the Information Desk and find out what garden areas are looking their best. Register for a gardening class for adults or a fun hands-on camp for kids. Pick up a memento of your visit in the Gift Shop, or find out if Brookside Gardens might be the perfect place to rent for your upcoming wedding or corporate event.
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Centro de Visitantes
En el corazón de los Jardines, el Centro de Visitantes es el punto de partida para cualquier visita al jardín. En el mostrador de información, recoja un mapa y descubra qué zonas ajardinadas tienen mejor aspecto. Regístrese para una clase de jardinería para adultos o un divertido campamento práctico para niños. Obtenga un recuerdo de su visita en la tienda de regalos o descubra si Brookside Gardens podría ser el lugar perfecto para alquilar para su próxima boda o evento corporativo.
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Centro de Visitantes
En el corazón de los Jardines, el Centro de Visitantes es el punto de partida para cualquier visita al jardín. En el mostrador de información, recoja un mapa y descubra qué zonas ajardinadas tienen mejor aspecto. Regístrese para una clase de jardinería para adultos o un divertido campamento práctico para niños. Obtenga un recuerdo de su visita en la tienda de regalos o descubra si Brookside Gardens podría ser el lugar perfecto para alquilar para su próxima boda o evento corporativo.
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Azalea Garden
Right as the frenzy of cherry blossom season dies down in late-April, magnificently colored azaleas burst into bloom, making the pastels of early spring seem spiritless in comparison. As you stroll through the Azalea Garden, you’ll see over 300 azalea varieties in riotous colors like magenta, coral, heliotrope, garnet, and ivory. Each shrub is smothered in hundreds of vivid blossoms, making a walk through this garden an almost psychedelic experience.
If you take the mulched paths deeper into the garden, you’ll be enveloped by sprawling azaleas and other tall woody shrubs such as winter-blooming witch-hazels, evergreen hollies, and flowering Japanese andromeda. Look down to see unfurling green ferns, broad-leafed hostas, bright Virginia bluebells, and yellow woods-poppy.
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Azalea Garden
Right as the frenzy of cherry blossom season dies down in late-April, magnificently colored azaleas burst into bloom, making the pastels of early spring seem spiritless in comparison. As you stroll through the Azalea Garden, you’ll see over 300 azalea varieties in riotous colors like magenta, coral, heliotrope, garnet, and ivory. Each shrub is smothered in hundreds of vivid blossoms, making a walk through this garden an almost psychedelic experience.
If you take the mulched paths deeper into the garden, you’ll be enveloped by sprawling azaleas and other tall woody shrubs such as winter-blooming witch-hazels, evergreen hollies, and flowering Japanese andromeda. Look down to see unfurling green ferns, broad-leafed hostas, bright Virginia bluebells, and yellow woods-poppy.
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Jardín de Aaleas
Justo cuando el frenesí de la temporada de floración de los cerezos se apaga a finales de abril, azaleas de magníficos colores estallan en flor, haciendo que los pasteles de principios de la primavera parezcan sin espíritu en comparación. Mientras paseas por el Jardín de Azaleas, verás más de 300 variedades de azaleas en colores desenfrenados como magenta, coral, heliotropo, granate y marfil. Cada arbusto está cubierto de cientos de flores vívidas, lo que hace que un paseo por este jardín sea una experiencia casi psicodélica.
Si se adentra más en el jardín por los senderos cubiertos de mantillo, quedará envuelto por extensas azaleas y otros arbustos leñosos altos, como los hamamelis que florecen en invierno, los acebos de hoja perenne y la andrómeda japonesa en flor. Mire hacia abajo para ver helechos verdes desplegados, hostas de hojas anchas, brillantes campanillas de Virginia y amapolas amarillas.
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Jardín de Aaleas
Justo cuando el frenesí de la temporada de floración de los cerezos se apaga a finales de abril, azaleas de magníficos colores estallan en flor, haciendo que los pasteles de principios de la primavera parezcan sin espíritu en comparación. Mientras paseas por el Jardín de Azaleas, verás más de 300 variedades de azaleas en colores desenfrenados como magenta, coral, heliotropo, granate y marfil. Cada arbusto está cubierto de cientos de flores vívidas, lo que hace que un paseo por este jardín sea una experiencia casi psicodélica.
Si se adentra más en el jardín por los senderos cubiertos de mantillo, quedará envuelto por extensas azaleas y otros arbustos leñosos altos, como los hamamelis que florecen en invierno, los acebos de hoja perenne y la andrómeda japonesa en flor. Mire hacia abajo para ver helechos verdes desplegados, hostas de hojas anchas, brillantes campanillas de Virginia y amapolas amarillas.
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Visitor Center
At the heart of the Gardens, the Visitor Center is the starting point for any garden visit. At the Information Desk, pick up a map at the Information Desk and find out what garden areas are looking their best. Register for a gardening class for adults or a fun hands-on camp for kids. Pick up a memento of your visit in the Gift Shop, or find out if Brookside Gardens might be the perfect place to rent for your upcoming wedding or corporate event.
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Visitor Center
At the heart of the Gardens, the Visitor Center is the starting point for any garden visit. At the Information Desk, pick up a map at the Information Desk and find out what garden areas are looking their best. Register for a gardening class for adults or a fun hands-on camp for kids. Pick up a memento of your visit in the Gift Shop, or find out if Brookside Gardens might be the perfect place to rent for your upcoming wedding or corporate event.
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Welcome to Brookside Gardens
With its colorful plantings, shimmering ponds, and breathtaking landscapes, Brookside Gardens is often described as the jewel of Montgomery Parks. The Gardens were founded in 1969 and named for the winding brooks and streams that surround this extraordinary public display garden. The 50-acre property features intricately designed gardens with exquisite combinations of color, texture, scent, and scale that merge together to delight the senses – all easily viewed from tranquil walking trails, comfortable benches, and shady gazebos.
Brookside Gardens’ two conservatories house an intriguing tropical plant collection and seasonal plant displays, in addition to festive holiday shows.
A team of fourteen horticulturists, seasonal gardening staff, and more than 650 volunteers care for the 20,000-plus plants and the ever-changing gardens from design conception to crop production and ongoing maintenance.
Brookside Gardens hosts annual ticketed events, such as the captivating Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly & Caterpillar Exhibit and the amazing Garden of Lights display. Throughout the year the Gardens provide engaging learning opportunities for all ages, including classes, lectures, and symposiums.
The restorative nature of the Gardens, with its reflective quiet spaces and beautiful scenery, offers respite from the daily hustle and bustle. Come for a visit that will educate, inspire, and excite your imagination!
Brookside Gardens is an extraordinary and inspiring cultivated landscape. Through beautifully designed gardens, diverse learning opportunities, and an engaging staff, we motivate our visitors to take action in their own lives and landscapes to appreciate and care for the plants around them.
Brookside Gardens, as a cultivated landscape and key element of Montgomery County Parks, envisions a community that respects the natural world, looks to nature for inspiration and takes action to balance a healthy, beautiful environment with the needs of current and future generations.
Admission to the gardens is free.
Throughout this virtual tour you will find clickable INFO buttons to tell you more about what you see and helpful videos along the way.
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Welcome to Brookside Gardens
With its colorful plantings, shimmering ponds, and breathtaking landscapes, Brookside Gardens is often described as the jewel of Montgomery Parks. The Gardens were founded in 1969 and named for the winding brooks and streams that surround this extraordinary public display garden. The 50-acre property features intricately designed gardens with exquisite combinations of color, texture, scent, and scale that merge together to delight the senses – all easily viewed from tranquil walking trails, comfortable benches, and shady gazebos.
Brookside Gardens’ two conservatories house an intriguing tropical plant collection and seasonal plant displays, in addition to festive holiday shows.
A team of fourteen horticulturists, seasonal gardening staff, and more than 650 volunteers care for the 20,000-plus plants and the ever-changing gardens from design conception to crop production and ongoing maintenance.
Brookside Gardens hosts annual ticketed events, such as the captivating Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly & Caterpillar Exhibit and the amazing Garden of Lights display. Throughout the year the Gardens provide engaging learning opportunities for all ages, including classes, lectures, and symposiums.
The restorative nature of the Gardens, with its reflective quiet spaces and beautiful scenery, offers respite from the daily hustle and bustle. Come for a visit that will educate, inspire, and excite your imagination!
Brookside Gardens is an extraordinary and inspiring cultivated landscape. Through beautifully designed gardens, diverse learning opportunities, and an engaging staff, we motivate our visitors to take action in their own lives and landscapes to appreciate and care for the plants around them.
Brookside Gardens, as a cultivated landscape and key element of Montgomery County Parks, envisions a community that respects the natural world, looks to nature for inspiration and takes action to balance a healthy, beautiful environment with the needs of current and future generations.
Admission to the gardens is free.
Throughout this virtual tour you will find clickable INFO buttons to tell you more about what you see and helpful videos along the way.
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Fragrance Garden
A visit to the Fragrance Garden is a multi-sensory experience. Each plant has been selected not only for its beauty, but also its olfactory allure.
In the center of the garden a series of hexagonal beds, joined like honeycomb, are filled with seasonally fragrant flowers: delicate tulips (Tulipa spp.) and fritillaria (Fritillaria spp.) in Spring, ambrosial stock (M. incana) and angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia spp.) in Summer; and herbaceous chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum spp.) in Autumn.
Be sure to walk the boundaries of the garden to find fragrant perennial gems like gardenia (Gardenia spp.), pineapple mint (M. suaveolens), and ponderosa lemon (Citrus x pyriformis). Arbors draped in wisteria (Wisteria spp.) line the northern edge, shading wooden benches with graceful clusters of purple flowers in the warmer months and golden leaves when it’s cool.
Take a rest under the copper-roofed gazebo in the heart of the garden and enjoy the sweetly scented air.
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Fragrance Garden
A visit to the Fragrance Garden is a multi-sensory experience. Each plant has been selected not only for its beauty, but also its olfactory allure.
In the center of the garden a series of hexagonal beds, joined like honeycomb, are filled with seasonally fragrant flowers: delicate tulips (Tulipa spp.) and fritillaria (Fritillaria spp.) in Spring, ambrosial stock (M. incana) and angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia spp.) in Summer; and herbaceous chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum spp.) in Autumn.
Be sure to walk the boundaries of the garden to find fragrant perennial gems like gardenia (Gardenia spp.), pineapple mint (M. suaveolens), and ponderosa lemon (Citrus x pyriformis). Arbors draped in wisteria (Wisteria spp.) line the northern edge, shading wooden benches with graceful clusters of purple flowers in the warmer months and golden leaves when it’s cool.
Take a rest under the copper-roofed gazebo in the heart of the garden and enjoy the sweetly scented air.
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Jardín de Fragancias
Una visita al Jardín de las Fragancias es una experiencia multisensorial. Cada planta ha sido seleccionada no sólo por su belleza, sino también por su atractivo olfativo.
En el centro del jardín, una serie de parterres hexagonales, unidos como un panal, están llenos de flores fragantes según la estación: delicados tulipanes (Tulipa spp.) y fritillaria (Fritillaria spp.) en primavera, caldo ambrosíaco (M. incana) y trompeta de ángel. (Brugmansia spp.) en verano; y crisantemos herbáceos (Chrysanthemum spp.) en otoño.
Asegúrese de caminar por los límites del jardín para encontrar gemas perennes fragantes como gardenia (Gardenia spp.), menta piña (M. suaveolens) y limón ponderosa (Citrus x pyriformis). Los cenadores cubiertos de glicinas (Wisteria spp.) se alinean en el extremo norte, dando sombra a los bancos de madera con elegantes racimos de flores de color púrpura en los meses más cálidos y hojas doradas cuando hace frío.
Descanse bajo el cenador con techo de cobre en el corazón del jardín y disfrute del aire dulcemente perfumado.
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Jardín de Fragancias
Una visita al Jardín de las Fragancias es una experiencia multisensorial. Cada planta ha sido seleccionada no sólo por su belleza, sino también por su atractivo olfativo.
En el centro del jardín, una serie de parterres hexagonales, unidos como un panal, están llenos de flores fragantes según la estación: delicados tulipanes (Tulipa spp.) y fritillaria (Fritillaria spp.) en primavera, caldo ambrosíaco (M. incana) y trompeta de ángel. (Brugmansia spp.) en verano; y crisantemos herbáceos (Chrysanthemum spp.) en otoño.
Asegúrese de caminar por los límites del jardín para encontrar gemas perennes fragantes como gardenia (Gardenia spp.), menta piña (M. suaveolens) y limón ponderosa (Citrus x pyriformis). Los cenadores cubiertos de glicinas (Wisteria spp.) se alinean en el extremo norte, dando sombra a los bancos de madera con elegantes racimos de flores de color púrpura en los meses más cálidos y hojas doradas cuando hace frío.
Descanse bajo el cenador con techo de cobre en el corazón del jardín y disfrute del aire dulcemente perfumado.
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Reflection Terrace
The Reflection Terrace provides a wide-angle view of the six-acre Gude Garden, which is designed in the “pond and island” style of Japanese Gardens. The strong horizontal and vertical planes of local Carderock stone evoke a symbolic landscape that transitions from dense conifers on the mountaintops to grassy meadows to waterside beach. At the water’s edge, low stones mimic a fishing pier.
Plantings of flowering cherries and Japanese maples provide spring and fall color. Large standing stones in Reflection Terrace are engraved with the names of the victims lost in the 2002 sniper shootings in the DC metro area.
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Reflection Terrace
The Reflection Terrace provides a wide-angle view of the six-acre Gude Garden, which is designed in the “pond and island” style of Japanese Gardens. The strong horizontal and vertical planes of local Carderock stone evoke a symbolic landscape that transitions from dense conifers on the mountaintops to grassy meadows to waterside beach. At the water’s edge, low stones mimic a fishing pier.
Plantings of flowering cherries and Japanese maples provide spring and fall color. Large standing stones in Reflection Terrace are engraved with the names of the victims lost in the 2002 sniper shootings in the DC metro area.
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Terraza Reflexión
La Terraza Reflection ofrece una vista de gran angular del Jardín Gude de seis acres, que está diseñado con el estilo de “estanque e isla” de los jardines japoneses. Los fuertes planos horizontales y verticales de la piedra local Carderock evocan un paisaje simbólico que pasa de densas coníferas en las cimas de las montañas a praderas cubiertas de hierba y playas junto al agua. A la orilla del agua, unas piedras bajas imitan un muelle de pesca.
Las plantaciones de cerezos en flor y arces japoneses proporcionan color en primavera y otoño. Grandes piedras en pie en Reflection Terrace están grabadas con los nombres de las víctimas perdidas en los tiroteos de francotiradores de 2002 en el área metropolitana de DC.
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Terraza Reflexión
La Terraza Reflection ofrece una vista de gran angular del Jardín Gude de seis acres, que está diseñado con el estilo de “estanque e isla” de los jardines japoneses. Los fuertes planos horizontales y verticales de la piedra local Carderock evocan un paisaje simbólico que pasa de densas coníferas en las cimas de las montañas a praderas cubiertas de hierba y playas junto al agua. A la orilla del agua, unas piedras bajas imitan un muelle de pesca.
Las plantaciones de cerezos en flor y arces japoneses proporcionan color en primavera y otoño. Grandes piedras en pie en Reflection Terrace están grabadas con los nombres de las víctimas perdidas en los tiroteos de francotiradores de 2002 en el área metropolitana de DC.
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Cenador de Boda
Escondido en el corazón del jardín se encuentra el encantador y romántico Wedding Gazebo. Rodeada de árboles y vegetación, esta zona del jardín parece un refugio privado. El techo de cobre verde claro se complementa con todos los colores de la temporada; la primavera pastel, el verano verde y el otoño bronceado.
En invierno, el Gazebo se transforma en un espectáculo resplandeciente para nuestra celebración anual, el Jardín de las Luces. Ya sea que esté considerando los jardines para su celebración o si simplemente es uno de nuestros maravillosos visitantes, tómese un momento para disfrutar de la serenidad del Wedding Gazebo.
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Cenador de Boda
Escondido en el corazón del jardín se encuentra el encantador y romántico Wedding Gazebo. Rodeada de árboles y vegetación, esta zona del jardín parece un refugio privado. El techo de cobre verde claro se complementa con todos los colores de la temporada; la primavera pastel, el verano verde y el otoño bronceado.
En invierno, el Gazebo se transforma en un espectáculo resplandeciente para nuestra celebración anual, el Jardín de las Luces. Ya sea que esté considerando los jardines para su celebración o si simplemente es uno de nuestros maravillosos visitantes, tómese un momento para disfrutar de la serenidad del Wedding Gazebo.
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Wedding Gazebo
Tucked into the heart of the garden is the lovely and romantic Wedding Gazebo. Surrounded by trees and greenery, this area of the garden feels like a private retreat. The light green copper roof is complimented by all seasonal coloration; the pastel spring, verdant summer, and bronze autumn.
In Winter, the Gazebo is transformed into a glowing spectacle for our annual celebration, Garden of Lights. Whether you’re considering the Gardens for your celebration, or if you’re simply one of our wonderful visitors, take a moment to enjoy the undisturbed serenity of the Wedding Gazebo.
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Wedding Gazebo
Tucked into the heart of the garden is the lovely and romantic Wedding Gazebo. Surrounded by trees and greenery, this area of the garden feels like a private retreat. The light green copper roof is complimented by all seasonal coloration; the pastel spring, verdant summer, and bronze autumn.
In Winter, the Gazebo is transformed into a glowing spectacle for our annual celebration, Garden of Lights. Whether you’re considering the Gardens for your celebration, or if you’re simply one of our wonderful visitors, take a moment to enjoy the undisturbed serenity of the Wedding Gazebo.
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Gude Garden
The Gude Garden, created in 1972 as a memorial to local nurseryman Adolf Gude Sr., is the largest and most structurally diverse garden area at Brookside Gardens. Many of the plants in the garden were donated by the Gude family themselves, who’ve been in the horticultural business since their first horse-drawn flower cart in 1889.
As you walk toward the southwest corner of the garden you’ll notice rolling green hills surrounding a large pond, which is home to basking turtles, shimmering goldfish, and statuesque blue herons. The pond is bookended by the Reflection Terrace to the east and the meditative walking Labyrinth to the west.
The Gude Garden offers beauty in every season. In Winter, snow and ice frost the Teahouse and pond, transmuting the flora into crystalline formations. In Spring, the weeping cherry trees decorate the garden with pink blossoms. In Summer, flowering aquatic plants burst from the surface of the pond, adding to the verdancy of the sloped hills and leafy island. In Fall, the garden is decorated with russet foliage of Japanese maples.
Come to the Gude Garden for a moment of reflection and to spot some of our most unique plants and animals.
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Gude Garden
The Gude Garden, created in 1972 as a memorial to local nurseryman Adolf Gude Sr., is the largest and most structurally diverse garden area at Brookside Gardens. Many of the plants in the garden were donated by the Gude family themselves, who’ve been in the horticultural business since their first horse-drawn flower cart in 1889.
As you walk toward the southwest corner of the garden you’ll notice rolling green hills surrounding a large pond, which is home to basking turtles, shimmering goldfish, and statuesque blue herons. The pond is bookended by the Reflection Terrace to the east and the meditative walking Labyrinth to the west.
The Gude Garden offers beauty in every season. In Winter, snow and ice frost the Teahouse and pond, transmuting the flora into crystalline formations. In Spring, the weeping cherry trees decorate the garden with pink blossoms. In Summer, flowering aquatic plants burst from the surface of the pond, adding to the verdancy of the sloped hills and leafy island. In Fall, the garden is decorated with russet foliage of Japanese maples.
Come to the Gude Garden for a moment of reflection and to spot some of our most unique plants and animals.
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Jardín Gude
El Jardín Gude, creado en 1972 como un monumento al vivero local Adolf Gude Sr., es el área de jardín más grande y con mayor diversidad estructural en Brookside Gardens. Muchas de las plantas del jardín fueron donadas por la propia familia Gude, que se dedica al negocio de la horticultura desde su primer carro de flores tirado por caballos en 1889.
Mientras caminas hacia la esquina suroeste del jardín, notarás colinas verdes que rodean un gran estanque, que alberga tortugas peregrinos, peces dorados relucientes y esculturals garzas azules. El estanque está delimitado por Reflection Terrace al este y el meditativo Labyrinth andante al oeste.
El Jardín Gude ofrece belleza en cada estación. En invierno, la nieve y el hielo congelan la casa de té y el estanque, transmutando la flora en formaciones cristalinas. En primavera, los cerezos llorones decoran el jardín con flores rosadas. En verano, las plantas acuáticas en flor brotan de la superficie del estanque, lo que aumenta el verdor de las colinas inclinadas y la frondosa isla. En otoño, el jardín se adorna con follaje rojizo de arces japoneses.
Ven al Jardín Gude para disfrutar de un momento de reflexión y contemplar algunas de nuestras plantas y animales más singulares.
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Jardín Gude
El Jardín Gude, creado en 1972 como un monumento al vivero local Adolf Gude Sr., es el área de jardín más grande y con mayor diversidad estructural en Brookside Gardens. Muchas de las plantas del jardín fueron donadas por la propia familia Gude, que se dedica al negocio de la horticultura desde su primer carro de flores tirado por caballos en 1889.
Mientras caminas hacia la esquina suroeste del jardín, notarás colinas verdes que rodean un gran estanque, que alberga tortugas peregrinos, peces dorados relucientes y esculturals garzas azules. El estanque está delimitado por Reflection Terrace al este y el meditativo Labyrinth andante al oeste.
El Jardín Gude ofrece belleza en cada estación. En invierno, la nieve y el hielo congelan la casa de té y el estanque, transmutando la flora en formaciones cristalinas. En primavera, los cerezos llorones decoran el jardín con flores rosadas. En verano, las plantas acuáticas en flor brotan de la superficie del estanque, lo que aumenta el verdor de las colinas inclinadas y la frondosa isla. En otoño, el jardín se adorna con follaje rojizo de arces japoneses.
Ven al Jardín Gude para disfrutar de un momento de reflexión y contemplar algunas de nuestras plantas y animales más singulares.
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Casa del Norte del Conservatorio
Hay pocas cosas más reconfortantes que entrar al verde y climatizado Conservatorio Norte en un frío día de invierno. Durante todo el año, este invernadero está lleno de plantas tropicales de todo el mundo. Los plátanos y las palmeras casi tocan el techo con sus anchas hojas, mientras que los helechos y las enredaderas se arrastran por los lechos arcillosos.
Busque junto a la cascada el árbol de la pólvora (C. haematocephala) con sus flores floculantes de un sorprendente color rosa. Frote las hojas del falso cardamomo y jengibre (A. nutuens) e inhale la fragancia especiada del sudeste asiático. ¿Puedes encontrar el árbol del cacao sudamericano (T. cacao) con sus grandes vainas de color naranja brillante? Camine por el lado occidental de la casa para ver hermosas exhibiciones de plantas con flores que cambian según las estaciones.
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Casa del Norte del Conservatorio
Hay pocas cosas más reconfortantes que entrar al verde y climatizado Conservatorio Norte en un frío día de invierno. Durante todo el año, este invernadero está lleno de plantas tropicales de todo el mundo. Los plátanos y las palmeras casi tocan el techo con sus anchas hojas, mientras que los helechos y las enredaderas se arrastran por los lechos arcillosos.
Busque junto a la cascada el árbol de la pólvora (C. haematocephala) con sus flores floculantes de un sorprendente color rosa. Frote las hojas del falso cardamomo y jengibre (A. nutuens) e inhale la fragancia especiada del sudeste asiático. ¿Puedes encontrar el árbol del cacao sudamericano (T. cacao) con sus grandes vainas de color naranja brillante? Camine por el lado occidental de la casa para ver hermosas exhibiciones de plantas con flores que cambian según las estaciones.
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Sendero Inteligente del Corazón
El programa Heart Smart Trail tiene como objetivo alentar a las personas a dar el primer paso hacia un estilo de vida más saludable. Caminar puede reducir el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares, mejorar el control de la presión arterial, disminuir el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2, cáncer de mama y colon y ayudar a controlar el peso. Los Heart Smart Trails generalmente tienen una longitud de 1 milla o menos y siguen un camino nivelado y de superficie dura. Hay medallones de bronce incrustados en el camino cada 1/10 de milla para que los caminantes puedan realizar un seguimiento de la distancia recorrida. Adelante... ¡da el primer paso hacia una vida más saludable!
Ubicado en el Parque Regional de Wheaton, el sendero sigue un sendero popular alrededor de este jardín de exhibición pública de 50 acres que está abierto todo el año, desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. El sendero comienza en la parte trasera del Centro de Visitantes. Utilice el “Registro de caminata” para registrar la fecha, la distancia recorrida y el tiempo que le tomó recorrer el sendero.
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Sendero Inteligente del Corazón
El programa Heart Smart Trail tiene como objetivo alentar a las personas a dar el primer paso hacia un estilo de vida más saludable. Caminar puede reducir el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares, mejorar el control de la presión arterial, disminuir el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2, cáncer de mama y colon y ayudar a controlar el peso. Los Heart Smart Trails generalmente tienen una longitud de 1 milla o menos y siguen un camino nivelado y de superficie dura. Hay medallones de bronce incrustados en el camino cada 1/10 de milla para que los caminantes puedan realizar un seguimiento de la distancia recorrida. Adelante... ¡da el primer paso hacia una vida más saludable!
Ubicado en el Parque Regional de Wheaton, el sendero sigue un sendero popular alrededor de este jardín de exhibición pública de 50 acres que está abierto todo el año, desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. El sendero comienza en la parte trasera del Centro de Visitantes. Utilice el “Registro de caminata” para registrar la fecha, la distancia recorrida y el tiempo que le tomó recorrer el sendero.
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40th Anniversary Grove
The 40th Anniversary Grove is formed by 40 towering bald cypress trees. Planted like pillars along the mulched path they form a living cathedral.
Bald cypress are deciduous conifers and, as the name suggests, loose their needles in winter, letting sunlight shine through their branches to illuminate the ground below. The light and warmth bring forth spring-blooming grape hyacinth, blue Spanish squill, delicate white foamflower, and yellow daffodils that turn the ground into a tapestry of color. As the weather warms and the cypress needles grow, the Grove transforms into a shady respite from the summer heat. Lush ferns, returning perennials, and blooming bulbs cover the forest floor.
Make your way to the end of the path where you’ll find a copse of native pawpaw trees, whose fall-ripening fruit tastes like banana custard. In Spring and Summer, this secluded garden is the ideal place to rest. Take in the smell of water on warm earth, growing leaves and fragrant flowers. Listen for calling goldfinches and busy woodpeckers. Enjoy the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. There are few places more peaceful at Brookside than the 40th Anniversary Grove.
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40th Anniversary Grove
The 40th Anniversary Grove is formed by 40 towering bald cypress trees. Planted like pillars along the mulched path they form a living cathedral.
Bald cypress are deciduous conifers and, as the name suggests, loose their needles in winter, letting sunlight shine through their branches to illuminate the ground below. The light and warmth bring forth spring-blooming grape hyacinth, blue Spanish squill, delicate white foamflower, and yellow daffodils that turn the ground into a tapestry of color. As the weather warms and the cypress needles grow, the Grove transforms into a shady respite from the summer heat. Lush ferns, returning perennials, and blooming bulbs cover the forest floor.
Make your way to the end of the path where you’ll find a copse of native pawpaw trees, whose fall-ripening fruit tastes like banana custard. In Spring and Summer, this secluded garden is the ideal place to rest. Take in the smell of water on warm earth, growing leaves and fragrant flowers. Listen for calling goldfinches and busy woodpeckers. Enjoy the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. There are few places more peaceful at Brookside than the 40th Anniversary Grove.
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Arboleda del 40 Aniversario
El Bosque del 40º Aniversario está formado por 40 imponentes cipreses calvos. Plantados como pilares a lo largo del camino cubierto de mantillo, forman una catedral viviente.
Los cipreses calvos son coníferas de hoja caduca y, como su nombre indica, pierden sus agujas en invierno, dejando que la luz del sol brille a través de sus ramas para iluminar el suelo. La luz y la calidez producen jacintos de uva que florecen en primavera, esquila española azul, delicada flor de espuma blanca y narcisos amarillos que convierten el suelo en un tapiz de color. A medida que el clima se calienta y crecen las agujas de los cipreses, Grove se transforma en un respiro sombreado del calor del verano. Exuberantes helechos, plantas perennes que regresan y bulbos en flor cubren el suelo del bosque.
Dirígete hasta el final del sendero donde encontrarás un bosquecillo de papayas nativas, cuya fruta que madura en otoño sabe a crema de plátano. En primavera y verano, este recóndito jardín es el lugar ideal para descansar. Disfrute del olor del agua sobre la tierra cálida, las hojas en crecimiento y las flores fragantes. Escuche los cantos de los jilgueros y los pájaros carpinteros ocupados. Disfrute de la luz del sol moteada que se filtra entre los árboles. Hay pocos lugares más tranquilos en Brookside que el 40th Anniversary Grove.
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Arboleda del 40 Aniversario
El Bosque del 40º Aniversario está formado por 40 imponentes cipreses calvos. Plantados como pilares a lo largo del camino cubierto de mantillo, forman una catedral viviente.
Los cipreses calvos son coníferas de hoja caduca y, como su nombre indica, pierden sus agujas en invierno, dejando que la luz del sol brille a través de sus ramas para iluminar el suelo. La luz y la calidez producen jacintos de uva que florecen en primavera, esquila española azul, delicada flor de espuma blanca y narcisos amarillos que convierten el suelo en un tapiz de color. A medida que el clima se calienta y crecen las agujas de los cipreses, Grove se transforma en un respiro sombreado del calor del verano. Exuberantes helechos, plantas perennes que regresan y bulbos en flor cubren el suelo del bosque.
Dirígete hasta el final del sendero donde encontrarás un bosquecillo de papayas nativas, cuya fruta que madura en otoño sabe a crema de plátano. En primavera y verano, este recóndito jardín es el lugar ideal para descansar. Disfrute del olor del agua sobre la tierra cálida, las hojas en crecimiento y las flores fragantes. Escuche los cantos de los jilgueros y los pájaros carpinteros ocupados. Disfrute de la luz del sol moteada que se filtra entre los árboles. Hay pocos lugares más tranquilos en Brookside que el 40th Anniversary Grove.
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Casa del Conservatorio Sur
Para vivir una experiencia mágica en cualquier época del año, venga al South Conservatory en Brookside Gardens.
En verano, el invernadero se transforma en Wings of Fancy, nuestra extraordinaria exhibición de mariposas vivas que presenta cientos de mariposas revoloteando de todo el mundo. En otoño, el impresionante espectáculo de crisantemos está en plena floración.
Con el invierno llega nuestro Garden Railway, una exhibición de trenes en miniatura que muestra sitios históricos de Maryland, incluido un modelo de nuestros propios conservatorios. Nuestro espectáculo de primavera ilumina los días tristes con flores coloridas y fragantes y una vegetación floreciente. ¡Pase a ver lo que se exhibe hoy!
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Casa del Conservatorio Sur
Para vivir una experiencia mágica en cualquier época del año, venga al South Conservatory en Brookside Gardens.
En verano, el invernadero se transforma en Wings of Fancy, nuestra extraordinaria exhibición de mariposas vivas que presenta cientos de mariposas revoloteando de todo el mundo. En otoño, el impresionante espectáculo de crisantemos está en plena floración.
Con el invierno llega nuestro Garden Railway, una exhibición de trenes en miniatura que muestra sitios históricos de Maryland, incluido un modelo de nuestros propios conservatorios. Nuestro espectáculo de primavera ilumina los días tristes con flores coloridas y fragantes y una vegetación floreciente. ¡Pase a ver lo que se exhibe hoy!
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Conservatory North House
There are few things more restorative than walking into the heated, verdant North Conservatory on a chilly winter’s day. Year-round this greenhouse is filled with tropical plants from around the globe. Banana trees and palms almost touch the ceiling with their broad leaves, while ferns and vines creep along the loamy beds.
Search by the waterfall for the powderpuff tree (C. haematocephala) with its shockingly pink flocculent flowers. Rub the leaves of the false cardamom ginger (A. nutuens) and inhale the spicy fragrance from Southeast Asia. Can you find the South American cacao tree (T. cacao) with its large, bright orange pods? Walk along the western side of the house to see beautiful displays of flowering plants that change with the seasons.
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Conservatory North House
There are few things more restorative than walking into the heated, verdant North Conservatory on a chilly winter’s day. Year-round this greenhouse is filled with tropical plants from around the globe. Banana trees and palms almost touch the ceiling with their broad leaves, while ferns and vines creep along the loamy beds.
Search by the waterfall for the powderpuff tree (C. haematocephala) with its shockingly pink flocculent flowers. Rub the leaves of the false cardamom ginger (A. nutuens) and inhale the spicy fragrance from Southeast Asia. Can you find the South American cacao tree (T. cacao) with its large, bright orange pods? Walk along the western side of the house to see beautiful displays of flowering plants that change with the seasons.
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Conservatory South House
For a magical experience any time of year, come to the South Conservatory at Brookside Gardens.
In Summer, the greenhouse is transformed into Wings of Fancy, our extraordinary live butterfly exhibit featuring hundreds of fluttering butterflies from around the world. In Fall, the stunning Chrysanthemum Show is in full bloom.
With Winter comes our Garden Railway, a miniature train display showcasing historical Maryland sites, including a model of our very own Conservatories. Our Spring show makes dreary days bright with fragrant, colorful flowers and flourishing greenery. Stop by to see what’s on display today!
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Conservatory South House
For a magical experience any time of year, come to the South Conservatory at Brookside Gardens.
In Summer, the greenhouse is transformed into Wings of Fancy, our extraordinary live butterfly exhibit featuring hundreds of fluttering butterflies from around the world. In Fall, the stunning Chrysanthemum Show is in full bloom.
With Winter comes our Garden Railway, a miniature train display showcasing historical Maryland sites, including a model of our very own Conservatories. Our Spring show makes dreary days bright with fragrant, colorful flowers and flourishing greenery. Stop by to see what’s on display today!
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Anderson Pavilion
Framed by wisteria, a gently arching bridge leads you to the Anderson Island, which is capped by a shady pavilion that supports climbing red honeysuckle and an espaliered blue Atlas cedar.
The Anderson Pavilion is the perfect perch for a bright afternoon of watching dragonflies skim across the water or dozens of turtles lazily sunning on logs. The steep banks of the island are densely planted with perennials and grasses, interspersed with bright spring bulbs.
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Anderson Pavilion
Framed by wisteria, a gently arching bridge leads you to the Anderson Island, which is capped by a shady pavilion that supports climbing red honeysuckle and an espaliered blue Atlas cedar.
The Anderson Pavilion is the perfect perch for a bright afternoon of watching dragonflies skim across the water or dozens of turtles lazily sunning on logs. The steep banks of the island are densely planted with perennials and grasses, interspersed with bright spring bulbs.
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Aparcamiento Jardín
El Parking Garden es un bello ejemplo de jardinería funcional a gran escala. Este jardín ha sido diseñado para aumentar la calidad del entorno circundante y al mismo tiempo beneficiar a las criaturas que visitan y residen en Brookside Gardens.
Los lechos, la pradera de la ladera y el pavimento permeable trabajan juntos para recolectar y filtrar el agua de lluvia antes de que fluya a los estanques de los Jardines Acuáticos. Las plantas perennes y los pastos densamente plantados dejan poco espacio para las malezas y no requieren pesticidas ni fertilizantes. Esté atento a las delicadas pulgas con forma de margarita y a la raíz de arquero de flores blancas y tallo rojo a principios de la primavera.
Busque lobelia brillante y equináceas altas en el verano, y hermosos ásteres y varas de oro en el otoño. En invierno, la vegetación no se corta para proporcionar alimento y refugio a la vida silvestre, como los mirlos de alas rojas y las ardillas listadas. En primavera, los jardineros cortan la vegetación y utilizan el material vegetal reciclado como mantillo natural.
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Aparcamiento Jardín
El Parking Garden es un bello ejemplo de jardinería funcional a gran escala. Este jardín ha sido diseñado para aumentar la calidad del entorno circundante y al mismo tiempo beneficiar a las criaturas que visitan y residen en Brookside Gardens.
Los lechos, la pradera de la ladera y el pavimento permeable trabajan juntos para recolectar y filtrar el agua de lluvia antes de que fluya a los estanques de los Jardines Acuáticos. Las plantas perennes y los pastos densamente plantados dejan poco espacio para las malezas y no requieren pesticidas ni fertilizantes. Esté atento a las delicadas pulgas con forma de margarita y a la raíz de arquero de flores blancas y tallo rojo a principios de la primavera.
Busque lobelia brillante y equináceas altas en el verano, y hermosos ásteres y varas de oro en el otoño. En invierno, la vegetación no se corta para proporcionar alimento y refugio a la vida silvestre, como los mirlos de alas rojas y las ardillas listadas. En primavera, los jardineros cortan la vegetación y utilizan el material vegetal reciclado como mantillo natural.
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Aquatic Garden
Shaded by deciduous trees and tucked next to our namesake brook, the Aquatic Garden showcases water-loving plants in two beautiful ponds.
Walk out to the Anderson Pavilion in the western pond for a scenic look over the water. In Spring and Summer, you’ll see golden Japanese irises, daffodils and azaleas in bloom along the edges of the ponds and down the banks of the brook. Keep your eyes peeled for our resident green heron, slightly more diminutive than its blue cousin who tends to spend time in the Gude Garden.
If you stroll along the path bordering the Visitor’s Center, you’ll find ecologically conscious plantings highlighting cover crops that protect and enrich the soil, as well as native plants like black-eyed Susans, ironweed, and bottlebrush buckeye.
For a shady private walk, take the path along the northern perimeter that leads you from the Aquatic Garden, through the back of the colorful Azalea Garden, and finishes at the lush Rain Garden.
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Aquatic Garden
Shaded by deciduous trees and tucked next to our namesake brook, the Aquatic Garden showcases water-loving plants in two beautiful ponds.
Walk out to the Anderson Pavilion in the western pond for a scenic look over the water. In Spring and Summer, you’ll see golden Japanese irises, daffodils and azaleas in bloom along the edges of the ponds and down the banks of the brook. Keep your eyes peeled for our resident green heron, slightly more diminutive than its blue cousin who tends to spend time in the Gude Garden.
If you stroll along the path bordering the Visitor’s Center, you’ll find ecologically conscious plantings highlighting cover crops that protect and enrich the soil, as well as native plants like black-eyed Susans, ironweed, and bottlebrush buckeye.
For a shady private walk, take the path along the northern perimeter that leads you from the Aquatic Garden, through the back of the colorful Azalea Garden, and finishes at the lush Rain Garden.
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Butterfly Garden
Monarchs, Tiger Swallowtails, Orange Sulfurs, Buckeyes, and Pearl Crescents; these are just some of the butterflies that visit Brookside’s outdoor Butterfly Garden.
The beds that line the walk west of the conservatories have been planted with butterfly host and nectar plants specifically to attract the fluttering pollinators. Look closely at the milkweed with its spikey half-moon seed pods. Can you see any black-white-and-yellow-striped monarch caterpillars munching on the leaves? Study the fleecy mauve flowers at the tops of the Joe Pye weed. Can you spot any black swallowtails nectaring?
Nestled in the foliage you may find other interesting insects like sharp-eyed praying mantids, iridescent dogbane beetles, and chartreuse shield bugs. In the Summers, follow the path down to the Wings of Fancy exhibit to see exquisite butterflies from around the world in the South Conservatory.
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Butterfly Garden
Monarchs, Tiger Swallowtails, Orange Sulfurs, Buckeyes, and Pearl Crescents; these are just some of the butterflies that visit Brookside’s outdoor Butterfly Garden.
The beds that line the walk west of the conservatories have been planted with butterfly host and nectar plants specifically to attract the fluttering pollinators. Look closely at the milkweed with its spikey half-moon seed pods. Can you see any black-white-and-yellow-striped monarch caterpillars munching on the leaves? Study the fleecy mauve flowers at the tops of the Joe Pye weed. Can you spot any black swallowtails nectaring?
Nestled in the foliage you may find other interesting insects like sharp-eyed praying mantids, iridescent dogbane beetles, and chartreuse shield bugs. In the Summers, follow the path down to the Wings of Fancy exhibit to see exquisite butterflies from around the world in the South Conservatory.
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Casa de té Japonesa
La delicada casa de té japonesa de madera, plateada por el tiempo, se alza sobre una isla en el agua. Alrededor de la Casa de Té encontrará coníferas exóticas, plantas perennes selectas, cerezos en flor y delicados arces japoneses. En primavera y otoño, la Casa de Té es el lugar de clases de bienestar, que incluyen yoga y Tai Chi, donde la tranquilidad del lugar realza la calidad meditativa de los movimientos disciplinados.
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Casa de té Japonesa
La delicada casa de té japonesa de madera, plateada por el tiempo, se alza sobre una isla en el agua. Alrededor de la Casa de Té encontrará coníferas exóticas, plantas perennes selectas, cerezos en flor y delicados arces japoneses. En primavera y otoño, la Casa de Té es el lugar de clases de bienestar, que incluyen yoga y Tai Chi, donde la tranquilidad del lugar realza la calidad meditativa de los movimientos disciplinados.
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Children's Garden
In the Children’s Garden, kids can play and learn among the colorful flowers. This garden is filled with engaging objects and curiosities to explore, as well as natural wonders. Let your kids’ imaginations run wild as they row away in our rowboat or teach their favorite subject in our pint-sized schoolhouse.
Check out a donated book from the colorfully painted Little Library and read together on the plush lawn behind the Visitors Center.
During our winter celebration, Garden of Lights, the adjacent path in transformed into a giant glowing caterpillar you can walk right through. In summer, look closely at the milkweed, black-eyed Susan’s, and purple coneflower by the picket fence to see local pollinators like monarch butterflies and hummingbirds.
This year, the garden’s theme, Exploring Maryland, highlights native plants and favorite pastimes of the Chesapeake Bay State.
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Children's Garden
In the Children’s Garden, kids can play and learn among the colorful flowers. This garden is filled with engaging objects and curiosities to explore, as well as natural wonders. Let your kids’ imaginations run wild as they row away in our rowboat or teach their favorite subject in our pint-sized schoolhouse.
Check out a donated book from the colorfully painted Little Library and read together on the plush lawn behind the Visitors Center.
During our winter celebration, Garden of Lights, the adjacent path in transformed into a giant glowing caterpillar you can walk right through. In summer, look closely at the milkweed, black-eyed Susan’s, and purple coneflower by the picket fence to see local pollinators like monarch butterflies and hummingbirds.
This year, the garden’s theme, Exploring Maryland, highlights native plants and favorite pastimes of the Chesapeake Bay State.
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Heart Smart Trail
The Heart Smart Trail program is intended to encourage people to take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Walking can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, improve blood pressure control, decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer and help control weight. Heart Smart Trails are generally 1-mile in length or less and follow a hard surface, level path. Bronze medallions are embedded in the path every 1/10 of a mile so walkers can keep track of the distance they have traveled.Go ahead…take your first step toward a healthier life!
Located at Wheaton Regional Park, the trail follows a popular pathway around this 50-acre public display garden that is open year round, sunrise to sunset. The trail begins at the rear of the Visitors Center. Use the “Walking Log” to record the date, distance traveled, and the time it took for you to walk the trail.
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Heart Smart Trail
The Heart Smart Trail program is intended to encourage people to take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Walking can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, improve blood pressure control, decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer and help control weight. Heart Smart Trails are generally 1-mile in length or less and follow a hard surface, level path. Bronze medallions are embedded in the path every 1/10 of a mile so walkers can keep track of the distance they have traveled.Go ahead…take your first step toward a healthier life!
Located at Wheaton Regional Park, the trail follows a popular pathway around this 50-acre public display garden that is open year round, sunrise to sunset. The trail begins at the rear of the Visitors Center. Use the “Walking Log” to record the date, distance traveled, and the time it took for you to walk the trail.
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Japanese Tea House
The delicate wooden Japanese Tea House, silvered with age, perches atop an island in the water. Around the Tea House, you’ll find exotic conifers, choice perennials, flowering cherries, and delicate Japanese maple trees. In spring and fall, the Tea House is the site of wellness classes, including Yoga and Tai Chi, where the calmness of the site enhances the meditative quality of the disciplined movements.
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Japanese Tea House
The delicate wooden Japanese Tea House, silvered with age, perches atop an island in the water. Around the Tea House, you’ll find exotic conifers, choice perennials, flowering cherries, and delicate Japanese maple trees. In spring and fall, the Tea House is the site of wellness classes, including Yoga and Tai Chi, where the calmness of the site enhances the meditative quality of the disciplined movements.
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Jardín Acuático
A la sombra de árboles de hoja caduca y escondido junto al arroyo del mismo nombre, el Jardín Acuático exhibe plantas amantes del agua en dos hermosos estanques.
Camine hasta el Anderson Pavilion en el estanque occidental para disfrutar de una vista panorámica del agua. En primavera y verano, verá lirios japoneses dorados, narcisos y azaleas en flor a lo largo de los bordes de los estanques y a lo largo de las orillas del arroyo. Mantén los ojos bien abiertos para ver a nuestra garza verde residente, un poco más diminuta que su prima azul que tiende a pasar tiempo en el Jardín Gude.
Si pasea por el sendero que bordea el Centro de visitantes, encontrará plantaciones ecológicamente conscientes que destacan cultivos de cobertura que protegen y enriquecen el suelo, así como plantas nativas como Susans de ojos negros, hierba de hierro y castaño de indias.
Para un paseo privado y sombreado, tome el sendero a lo largo del perímetro norte que lo lleva desde el Jardín Acuático, pasa por la parte trasera del colorido Jardín Azalea y termina en el exuberante Jardín Lluvia.
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Jardín Acuático
A la sombra de árboles de hoja caduca y escondido junto al arroyo del mismo nombre, el Jardín Acuático exhibe plantas amantes del agua en dos hermosos estanques.
Camine hasta el Anderson Pavilion en el estanque occidental para disfrutar de una vista panorámica del agua. En primavera y verano, verá lirios japoneses dorados, narcisos y azaleas en flor a lo largo de los bordes de los estanques y a lo largo de las orillas del arroyo. Mantén los ojos bien abiertos para ver a nuestra garza verde residente, un poco más diminuta que su prima azul que tiende a pasar tiempo en el Jardín Gude.
Si pasea por el sendero que bordea el Centro de visitantes, encontrará plantaciones ecológicamente conscientes que destacan cultivos de cobertura que protegen y enriquecen el suelo, así como plantas nativas como Susans de ojos negros, hierba de hierro y castaño de indias.
Para un paseo privado y sombreado, tome el sendero a lo largo del perímetro norte que lo lleva desde el Jardín Acuático, pasa por la parte trasera del colorido Jardín Azalea y termina en el exuberante Jardín Lluvia.
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Jardín Infantil
En el Jardín Infantil, los niños pueden jugar y aprender entre las coloridas flores. Este jardín está lleno de atractivos objetos y curiosidades para explorar, así como de maravillas naturales. Deje volar la imaginación de sus hijos mientras reman en nuestro bote de remos o enseñan su materia favorita en nuestra pequeña escuela.
Saque un libro donado de la Pequeña Biblioteca pintada de colores y lean juntos en el lujoso césped detrás del Centro de Visitantes.
Durante nuestra celebración invernal, el Jardín de las Luces, el camino adyacente se transforma en una oruga brillante gigante por la que puedes caminar. En verano, observe de cerca el algodoncillo, la Susan de ojos negros y la equinácea púrpura junto a la cerca para ver polinizadores locales como mariposas monarca y colibríes.
Este año, el tema del jardín, Explorando Maryland, destaca las plantas nativas y los pasatiempos favoritos del estado de la Bahía de Chesapeake.
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Jardín Infantil
En el Jardín Infantil, los niños pueden jugar y aprender entre las coloridas flores. Este jardín está lleno de atractivos objetos y curiosidades para explorar, así como de maravillas naturales. Deje volar la imaginación de sus hijos mientras reman en nuestro bote de remos o enseñan su materia favorita en nuestra pequeña escuela.
Saque un libro donado de la Pequeña Biblioteca pintada de colores y lean juntos en el lujoso césped detrás del Centro de Visitantes.
Durante nuestra celebración invernal, el Jardín de las Luces, el camino adyacente se transforma en una oruga brillante gigante por la que puedes caminar. En verano, observe de cerca el algodoncillo, la Susan de ojos negros y la equinácea púrpura junto a la cerca para ver polinizadores locales como mariposas monarca y colibríes.
Este año, el tema del jardín, Explorando Maryland, destaca las plantas nativas y los pasatiempos favoritos del estado de la Bahía de Chesapeake.
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Jardín Perenne
El Jardín Perenne, justo al oeste de los Conservatorios, puede ser más espectacular en pleno verano. En el calor de agosto, la exuberante flora trasciende los bordes de los parterres y casi desborda las paredes que rodean el jardín formal. Los juncos plumosos, las malvarrosas brillantes y los alliums con cabezas como fuegos artificiales se alzan y ondean con la cálida brisa. Los ásteres en forma de estrella en rosas, azules y amarillos, junto con conos de flores de Buddleia, proporcionan néctar a los numerosos abejorros y mariposas visitantes.
El centro del jardín está adornado con una reluciente piscina decorada con abundantes macetas plantadas. Si necesitas inspiración para tu propio jardín, este es el lugar. Las plantas del Jardín Perenne crecen bien en los calurosos veranos y los fríos inviernos de Maryland y regresan año tras año.
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Jardín Perenne
El Jardín Perenne, justo al oeste de los Conservatorios, puede ser más espectacular en pleno verano. En el calor de agosto, la exuberante flora trasciende los bordes de los parterres y casi desborda las paredes que rodean el jardín formal. Los juncos plumosos, las malvarrosas brillantes y los alliums con cabezas como fuegos artificiales se alzan y ondean con la cálida brisa. Los ásteres en forma de estrella en rosas, azules y amarillos, junto con conos de flores de Buddleia, proporcionan néctar a los numerosos abejorros y mariposas visitantes.
El centro del jardín está adornado con una reluciente piscina decorada con abundantes macetas plantadas. Si necesitas inspiración para tu propio jardín, este es el lugar. Las plantas del Jardín Perenne crecen bien en los calurosos veranos y los fríos inviernos de Maryland y regresan año tras año.
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Jardín de Invierno
El Jardín de Invierno se diferencia maravillosamente del resto de jardines porque adquiere más colorido durante los meses más fríos. A finales del invierno y principios de la primavera, las ramas desnudas de cornejo, de ramitas amarillas y rojas, se destacan de la monótona vegetación latente de los otros jardines.
Zarcillos llorosos de jazmín de invierno de flores amarillas se derraman sobre las camas. El helecho navideño y el lirio araña rojo cubren el suelo con una alfombra verde. Los acebos de hoja perenne y las bayas de invierno con ramas desnudas están decorados con frutos de color rojo brillante. Busque el arbusto de papel con sus manojos colgantes de flores amarillas y blancas de dulce aroma. Observe las flores de araña de hamamelis en amarillo y cobre.
En contraste con la abundancia de color en invierno y primavera, el Jardín de Invierno se vuelve blanco en verano, diseñado para lucir cubierto de nieve durante los meses más calurosos. Busque racimos altos de hortensias y azaleas blancas. El membrillo del centro del jardín tiene hermosas flores blancas. A lo largo del suelo, se pueden encontrar penachos de astilbe blanco, delicadas copas de flores de anémona y diminutas y brillantes flores de hierba de lobo y pulmonaria.
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Jardín de Invierno
El Jardín de Invierno se diferencia maravillosamente del resto de jardines porque adquiere más colorido durante los meses más fríos. A finales del invierno y principios de la primavera, las ramas desnudas de cornejo, de ramitas amarillas y rojas, se destacan de la monótona vegetación latente de los otros jardines.
Zarcillos llorosos de jazmín de invierno de flores amarillas se derraman sobre las camas. El helecho navideño y el lirio araña rojo cubren el suelo con una alfombra verde. Los acebos de hoja perenne y las bayas de invierno con ramas desnudas están decorados con frutos de color rojo brillante. Busque el arbusto de papel con sus manojos colgantes de flores amarillas y blancas de dulce aroma. Observe las flores de araña de hamamelis en amarillo y cobre.
En contraste con la abundancia de color en invierno y primavera, el Jardín de Invierno se vuelve blanco en verano, diseñado para lucir cubierto de nieve durante los meses más calurosos. Busque racimos altos de hortensias y azaleas blancas. El membrillo del centro del jardín tiene hermosas flores blancas. A lo largo del suelo, se pueden encontrar penachos de astilbe blanco, delicadas copas de flores de anémona y diminutas y brillantes flores de hierba de lobo y pulmonaria.
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Jardín de Lluvia
Al ingresar a los jardines cerca de los invernaderos, el denso y floreciente Rain Garden le da la bienvenida a Brookside. Plantado en la base de una pendiente cubierta de hierba, este jardín fue diseñado para captar el agua de lluvia que se escurre desde el césped de arriba.
El Rain Garden incluye árboles, arbustos y plantas perennes que ayudan específicamente a retener y filtrar el agua, evitando inundaciones y permitiendo que el agua penetre en el suelo con menos contaminantes. Esta área no sólo es funcional, sino también encantadora. El laurel de montaña de flores rosadas, el arándano de hojas brillantes y la azalea nativa de hoja caduca proporcionan estructura y color. En verano florecen una multitud de lirios de todos los tonos, respetuosos con el agua.
A lo largo del año, se añaden a los parterres tulipanes, orejas de elefante, crisantemos y otras plantas para marcar los cambios de estación. Los helechos foliados y las plantas de hoja perenne aseguran que el jardín esté verde incluso durante los meses más fríos. Si lo visitas en enero, echa un vistazo bajo el árbol de gingko para ver delicadas campanillas blancas asomando entre la nieve y la hojarasca.
Pase por Rain Garden para ver cómo puede agregar belleza y utilidad ecológicamente conscientes a un lugar poco lluvioso en su propio jardín.
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Jardín de Lluvia
Al ingresar a los jardines cerca de los invernaderos, el denso y floreciente Rain Garden le da la bienvenida a Brookside. Plantado en la base de una pendiente cubierta de hierba, este jardín fue diseñado para captar el agua de lluvia que se escurre desde el césped de arriba.
El Rain Garden incluye árboles, arbustos y plantas perennes que ayudan específicamente a retener y filtrar el agua, evitando inundaciones y permitiendo que el agua penetre en el suelo con menos contaminantes. Esta área no sólo es funcional, sino también encantadora. El laurel de montaña de flores rosadas, el arándano de hojas brillantes y la azalea nativa de hoja caduca proporcionan estructura y color. En verano florecen una multitud de lirios de todos los tonos, respetuosos con el agua.
A lo largo del año, se añaden a los parterres tulipanes, orejas de elefante, crisantemos y otras plantas para marcar los cambios de estación. Los helechos foliados y las plantas de hoja perenne aseguran que el jardín esté verde incluso durante los meses más fríos. Si lo visitas en enero, echa un vistazo bajo el árbol de gingko para ver delicadas campanillas blancas asomando entre la nieve y la hojarasca.
Pase por Rain Garden para ver cómo puede agregar belleza y utilidad ecológicamente conscientes a un lugar poco lluvioso en su propio jardín.
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Jardín de Mariposas
Monarcas, colas de golondrina tigre, azufres anaranjados, castaños de Indias y medias lunas perladas; Estas son sólo algunas de las mariposas que visitan el jardín de mariposas al aire libre de Brookside.
Los parterres que bordean el camino al oeste de los invernaderos han sido plantados con mariposas hospedadoras y plantas de néctar específicamente para atraer a los aleteantes polinizadores. Mire de cerca el algodoncillo con sus vainas puntiagudas en forma de media luna. ¿Puedes ver alguna oruga monarca con rayas negras, blancas y amarillas masticando las hojas? Estudia las lanudas flores de color malva en la parte superior de la hierba Joe Pye. ¿Puedes ver alguna cola de golondrina negra nectando?
Ubicados en el follaje, puede encontrar otros insectos interesantes como mantis religiosas de ojos agudos, escarabajos adelfas iridiscentes y chinches escudo chartreuse. En los veranos, siga el camino hasta la exhibición Wings of Fancy para ver exquisitas mariposas de todo el mundo en el South Conservatory.
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Jardín de Mariposas
Monarcas, colas de golondrina tigre, azufres anaranjados, castaños de Indias y medias lunas perladas; Estas son sólo algunas de las mariposas que visitan el jardín de mariposas al aire libre de Brookside.
Los parterres que bordean el camino al oeste de los invernaderos han sido plantados con mariposas hospedadoras y plantas de néctar específicamente para atraer a los aleteantes polinizadores. Mire de cerca el algodoncillo con sus vainas puntiagudas en forma de media luna. ¿Puedes ver alguna oruga monarca con rayas negras, blancas y amarillas masticando las hojas? Estudia las lanudas flores de color malva en la parte superior de la hierba Joe Pye. ¿Puedes ver alguna cola de golondrina negra nectando?
Ubicados en el follaje, puede encontrar otros insectos interesantes como mantis religiosas de ojos agudos, escarabajos adelfas iridiscentes y chinches escudo chartreuse. En los veranos, siga el camino hasta la exhibición Wings of Fancy para ver exquisitas mariposas de todo el mundo en el South Conservatory.
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Jardín de Prueba
El Trial Garden está ubicado a lo largo de una ladera con vista al lado este de los Conservatorios. Este espacio permite a nuestros jardineros explorar y experimentar con todas las posibilidades hortícolas.
A lo largo de los años, Trail Garden ha presentado una gran cantidad de exhibiciones innovadoras que incluyen un jardín de hierbas aromáticas con temática de cócteles, lechos de deliciosas verduras y miles de bulbos que florecen en primavera.
Este jardín ofrece mucha inspiración para los jardineros domésticos, incluido un parterre de bajo mantenimiento, parterres con plantas anuales All-American Selection y exhibiciones veraniegas de variedades de plantas nuevas e inusuales.
No importa la temporada, encontrará combinaciones atractivas de color, textura y taxonomía en Trial Garden y le garantizamos que querrá llevarse algunas ideas a casa.
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Jardín de Prueba
El Trial Garden está ubicado a lo largo de una ladera con vista al lado este de los Conservatorios. Este espacio permite a nuestros jardineros explorar y experimentar con todas las posibilidades hortícolas.
A lo largo de los años, Trail Garden ha presentado una gran cantidad de exhibiciones innovadoras que incluyen un jardín de hierbas aromáticas con temática de cócteles, lechos de deliciosas verduras y miles de bulbos que florecen en primavera.
Este jardín ofrece mucha inspiración para los jardineros domésticos, incluido un parterre de bajo mantenimiento, parterres con plantas anuales All-American Selection y exhibiciones veraniegas de variedades de plantas nuevas e inusuales.
No importa la temporada, encontrará combinaciones atractivas de color, textura y taxonomía en Trial Garden y le garantizamos que querrá llevarse algunas ideas a casa.
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Jardín de Rosas
El jardín de rosas en verano ofrece una radiante profusión de color. Mientras caminas por los macizos geométricos formales, verás más de 100 variedades de rosas de todo tipo. Busque cultivares impresionantes como el salmón brillante "Marmalade Skies", el suntuoso "Midnight Blue" y el color del atardecer "Love and Peace". Asegúrese de detenerse y oler algunas de las rosas de té híbridas, muchas de las cuales se cultivan por su encantadora fragancia. Mantenga los ojos bien abiertos para ver las placas verdes que indican las selecciones de rosas All-America de la American Rose Society.
En el centro del jardín encontrará bancos a la sombra de altos arrayanes, caracterizados por sus troncos oxidados y coronas de flores de color púrpura. A lo largo del borde occidental se puede caminar bajo una pérgola adornada con un dosel de glicinas trepadoras de dulce aroma. Siéntate junto al espejo de agua para disfrutar de un momento de pura tranquilidad.
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Jardín de Rosas
El jardín de rosas en verano ofrece una radiante profusión de color. Mientras caminas por los macizos geométricos formales, verás más de 100 variedades de rosas de todo tipo. Busque cultivares impresionantes como el salmón brillante "Marmalade Skies", el suntuoso "Midnight Blue" y el color del atardecer "Love and Peace". Asegúrese de detenerse y oler algunas de las rosas de té híbridas, muchas de las cuales se cultivan por su encantadora fragancia. Mantenga los ojos bien abiertos para ver las placas verdes que indican las selecciones de rosas All-America de la American Rose Society.
En el centro del jardín encontrará bancos a la sombra de altos arrayanes, caracterizados por sus troncos oxidados y coronas de flores de color púrpura. A lo largo del borde occidental se puede caminar bajo una pérgola adornada con un dosel de glicinas trepadoras de dulce aroma. Siéntate junto al espejo de agua para disfrutar de un momento de pura tranquilidad.
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Jardín de Tejos
Setos cuidadosamente recortados enmarcan el idílico jardín de tejos. Al entrar bajo un arco de fragantes jacintos trepadores, verá un césped ordenado bordeado por una mezcla de coloridas plantaciones estacionales, que incluyen plantas anuales como la vinca vibrante y abierta y tropicales exquisitos como los altos y vivos lirios canna. En los parterres circundantes se incluyen los árboles de manzano silvestre en flor únicos, entrenados para tener ramas paralelas en estilo espaldera. Mientras paseas por el sendero central, observa lo llamativas que son las flores brillantes contra el fondo oscuro del tejo de hoja perenne.
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Jardín de Tejos
Setos cuidadosamente recortados enmarcan el idílico jardín de tejos. Al entrar bajo un arco de fragantes jacintos trepadores, verá un césped ordenado bordeado por una mezcla de coloridas plantaciones estacionales, que incluyen plantas anuales como la vinca vibrante y abierta y tropicales exquisitos como los altos y vivos lirios canna. En los parterres circundantes se incluyen los árboles de manzano silvestre en flor únicos, entrenados para tener ramas paralelas en estilo espaldera. Mientras paseas por el sendero central, observa lo llamativas que son las flores brillantes contra el fondo oscuro del tejo de hoja perenne.
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Ubicado en una loma en el Jardín Gude, el Laberinto es un camino curvo singular que conduce a un punto central. Los laberintos, que datan de miles de años, se utilizaban para la meditación, la danza o el lugar de rituales y ceremonias.
Hoy en día, los visitantes caminan por el laberinto en meditación consciente, mientras que los niños a menudo corren por el sendero en una ruidosa carrera hacia el centro.
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Ubicado en una loma en el Jardín Gude, el Laberinto es un camino curvo singular que conduce a un punto central. Los laberintos, que datan de miles de años, se utilizaban para la meditación, la danza o el lugar de rituales y ceremonias.
Hoy en día, los visitantes caminan por el laberinto en meditación consciente, mientras que los niños a menudo corren por el sendero en una ruidosa carrera hacia el centro.
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Located on a knoll in the Gude Garden, the Labyrinth is a singular curving path that leads to a center point. Dating back thousands of years, labyrinths were used for meditation, dance or the site of rituals and ceremony.
Today, visitors walk the labyrinth in mindful meditation, while children often run along the path in a noisy race to the middle.
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Located on a knoll in the Gude Garden, the Labyrinth is a singular curving path that leads to a center point. Dating back thousands of years, labyrinths were used for meditation, dance or the site of rituals and ceremony.
Today, visitors walk the labyrinth in mindful meditation, while children often run along the path in a noisy race to the middle.
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Maple Terrace
The Maple Terrace is one of the best gardens to return to season after season. As the weather changes, this interplanted formal garden transforms, each evolution as beautiful as the last. In early Spring yellow winter aconite, white snowdrops, and purple irises arrive to brighten the mood. Summer brings the periwinkle blooms of blue leadwort, whose leaves turn crimson as the weather cools.
The garden is most brilliant in Autumn when the scarlet leafage of the ‘Suminagashi’ Japanese maples sets the terrace aflame with color. Sit on the benches surrounding the garden to enjoy the trickling blue fountain and the stunning fall foliage.
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Maple Terrace
The Maple Terrace is one of the best gardens to return to season after season. As the weather changes, this interplanted formal garden transforms, each evolution as beautiful as the last. In early Spring yellow winter aconite, white snowdrops, and purple irises arrive to brighten the mood. Summer brings the periwinkle blooms of blue leadwort, whose leaves turn crimson as the weather cools.
The garden is most brilliant in Autumn when the scarlet leafage of the ‘Suminagashi’ Japanese maples sets the terrace aflame with color. Sit on the benches surrounding the garden to enjoy the trickling blue fountain and the stunning fall foliage.
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The Overlook was designed as a multi-functional space to support programs and events. During the week, it is used for school and tour bus parking with a seating area overlooking the Aquatic Garden. For special events, it can be tented for weddings and other social occasions. And during festivals, the Overlook is used for food trucks and other vendors.
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The Overlook was designed as a multi-functional space to support programs and events. During the week, it is used for school and tour bus parking with a seating area overlooking the Aquatic Garden. For special events, it can be tented for weddings and other social occasions. And during festivals, the Overlook is used for food trucks and other vendors.
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Pabellón Anderson
Enmarcado por glicinas, un puente suavemente arqueado conduce a la isla Anderson, que está coronada por un pabellón sombreado que sostiene madreselva roja trepadora y un cedro del Atlas azul en espaldera.
El Anderson Pavilion es el lugar perfecto para pasar una tarde luminosa observando libélulas deslizarse sobre el agua o docenas de tortugas tomando sol perezosamente sobre troncos. Las empinadas orillas de la isla están densamente plantadas con plantas perennes y pastos, intercalados con brillantes bulbos primaverales.
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Pabellón Anderson
Enmarcado por glicinas, un puente suavemente arqueado conduce a la isla Anderson, que está coronada por un pabellón sombreado que sostiene madreselva roja trepadora y un cedro del Atlas azul en espaldera.
El Anderson Pavilion es el lugar perfecto para pasar una tarde luminosa observando libélulas deslizarse sobre el agua o docenas de tortugas tomando sol perezosamente sobre troncos. Las empinadas orillas de la isla están densamente plantadas con plantas perennes y pastos, intercalados con brillantes bulbos primaverales.
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Parking Garden
The Parking Garden is a beautiful example of large-scale functional gardening. This garden has been designed to increase the quality of the surrounding environment while benefiting the creatures that visit and reside at Brookside Gardens.
The beds, hillside meadow, and permeable pavement work together to collect and filter rainwater before it flows to the ponds in the Aquatic Gardens. Densely planted perennials and grasses leave little room for weeds and don’t require pesticides or fertilizers. Keep your eye out for dainty daisy-shaped fleabane and red-stemmed white-flowered bowman’s root in early spring.
Look for bright lobelia and tall coneflowers in the summer, and beautiful asters and goldenrods in the fall. In winter, the vegetation is left uncut to provide food and shelter for wildlife like red-wing blackbirds and chipmunks. In spring, the gardeners cut back the vegetation and use the recycled plant material as natural mulch.
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Parking Garden
The Parking Garden is a beautiful example of large-scale functional gardening. This garden has been designed to increase the quality of the surrounding environment while benefiting the creatures that visit and reside at Brookside Gardens.
The beds, hillside meadow, and permeable pavement work together to collect and filter rainwater before it flows to the ponds in the Aquatic Gardens. Densely planted perennials and grasses leave little room for weeds and don’t require pesticides or fertilizers. Keep your eye out for dainty daisy-shaped fleabane and red-stemmed white-flowered bowman’s root in early spring.
Look for bright lobelia and tall coneflowers in the summer, and beautiful asters and goldenrods in the fall. In winter, the vegetation is left uncut to provide food and shelter for wildlife like red-wing blackbirds and chipmunks. In spring, the gardeners cut back the vegetation and use the recycled plant material as natural mulch.
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Pasar por Alto
The Overlook fue diseñado como un espacio multifuncional para apoyar programas y eventos. Durante la semana se utiliza como aparcamiento de autobuses escolares y turísticos y cuenta con una zona de estar con vistas al Jardín Acuático. Para eventos especiales, se puede montar una tienda de campaña para bodas y otras ocasiones sociales. Y durante los festivales, el Overlook se utiliza para camiones de comida y otros vendedores.
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Pasar por Alto
The Overlook fue diseñado como un espacio multifuncional para apoyar programas y eventos. Durante la semana se utiliza como aparcamiento de autobuses escolares y turísticos y cuenta con una zona de estar con vistas al Jardín Acuático. Para eventos especiales, se puede montar una tienda de campaña para bodas y otras ocasiones sociales. Y durante los festivales, el Overlook se utiliza para camiones de comida y otros vendedores.
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Pasar por Alto
The Underlook es un lugar tranquilo y con sombra para que los visitantes disfruten de la vista de los estanques del Jardín Acuático mientras escuchan el agua burbujeante de la fuente adyacente.
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Pasar por Alto
The Underlook es un lugar tranquilo y con sombra para que los visitantes disfruten de la vista de los estanques del Jardín Acuático mientras escuchan el agua burbujeante de la fuente adyacente.
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Paseo por el Bosque
Un paseo por Woodland Walk lo llevará desde los cuidados jardines de Brookside hasta un acre de sereno bosque de humedales. Debajo de un dosel de cipreses calvos y álamos tulipanes, el aromático y alimonado especio, el mayapple de hojas de paraguas y el espeso repollo zorrillo llenan el sotobosque.
Mientras camina por el paseo marítimo de madera, observe el jardín de plantas nativas con más de 120 especies y cultivares nativos de Maryland. Busque la aguileña oriental con sus arquitectónicas flores escarlatas, sus lirios de color naranja brillante y moteados y su delicada menta blanca de montaña.
Descanse en la plataforma de observación octogonal para escuchar y observar aves y otros animales salvajes locales. Si recorre el paseo marítimo, encontrará el puente hacia Brookside Nature Center. Al cruzar el puente, observe el arroyo en busca de tortugas peregrinos, ranas chirriantes y zancudos de patas largas. Dirígete al Centro de la Naturaleza para aprender más sobre la flora y la fauna que quizás hayas visto en el jardín Woodland Walk.
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Paseo por el Bosque
Un paseo por Woodland Walk lo llevará desde los cuidados jardines de Brookside hasta un acre de sereno bosque de humedales. Debajo de un dosel de cipreses calvos y álamos tulipanes, el aromático y alimonado especio, el mayapple de hojas de paraguas y el espeso repollo zorrillo llenan el sotobosque.
Mientras camina por el paseo marítimo de madera, observe el jardín de plantas nativas con más de 120 especies y cultivares nativos de Maryland. Busque la aguileña oriental con sus arquitectónicas flores escarlatas, sus lirios de color naranja brillante y moteados y su delicada menta blanca de montaña.
Descanse en la plataforma de observación octogonal para escuchar y observar aves y otros animales salvajes locales. Si recorre el paseo marítimo, encontrará el puente hacia Brookside Nature Center. Al cruzar el puente, observe el arroyo en busca de tortugas peregrinos, ranas chirriantes y zancudos de patas largas. Dirígete al Centro de la Naturaleza para aprender más sobre la flora y la fauna que quizás hayas visto en el jardín Woodland Walk.
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Perennial Garden
The Perennial Garden, just west of the Conservatories, may be at its most spectacular in the height of summer. In the August heat, lush flora reaches past the borders of the beds almost overflowing the walls that surround the formal garden. Feathery reed grasses, bright hollyhocks, and alliums with heads like fireworks stand tall and wave in the warm breeze. Starry-shaped asters in pinks, blues and yellows along with cones of Buddleia flowers provide nectar to the many visiting bumblebees and butterflies.
The center of the garden is graced by a shimmering pool decorated with bountiful planted containers. If you need inspiration for your own garden, this is the place. The plants in the Perennial Garden do well in Maryland’s hot summers and cold winters and come back year after year.
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Perennial Garden
The Perennial Garden, just west of the Conservatories, may be at its most spectacular in the height of summer. In the August heat, lush flora reaches past the borders of the beds almost overflowing the walls that surround the formal garden. Feathery reed grasses, bright hollyhocks, and alliums with heads like fireworks stand tall and wave in the warm breeze. Starry-shaped asters in pinks, blues and yellows along with cones of Buddleia flowers provide nectar to the many visiting bumblebees and butterflies.
The center of the garden is graced by a shimmering pool decorated with bountiful planted containers. If you need inspiration for your own garden, this is the place. The plants in the Perennial Garden do well in Maryland’s hot summers and cold winters and come back year after year.
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Rain Garden
As you enter the gardens near the conservatories, the dense, flourishing Rain Garden welcomes you to Brookside. Planted at the base of a grassy slope, this garden was designed to catch rainwater runoff from the lawn above.
The Rain Garden includes trees, shrubs and perennials that specifically help hold and filter water, preventing flooding and allowing the water to soak into the soil with fewer contaminants. This area is not only functional, but lovely. Pink-flowered mountain laurel, bright-leaved huckleberry, and native deciduous azalea provide structure and color. A multitude of water-friendly irises in all shades bloom in the summertime.
Throughout the year, tulips, elephant ears, mums and other plants are added to the beds to mark the changing seasons. Foliate ferns and evergreens assure the garden is verdant even through the colder months. If you visit in January, peek under the gingko tree to see delicate white snowdrops poking through the snow and leaf litter.
Stop by the Rain Garden to see how you could add ecologically conscious beauty and utility to a low rainy spot in your own garden.
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Rain Garden
As you enter the gardens near the conservatories, the dense, flourishing Rain Garden welcomes you to Brookside. Planted at the base of a grassy slope, this garden was designed to catch rainwater runoff from the lawn above.
The Rain Garden includes trees, shrubs and perennials that specifically help hold and filter water, preventing flooding and allowing the water to soak into the soil with fewer contaminants. This area is not only functional, but lovely. Pink-flowered mountain laurel, bright-leaved huckleberry, and native deciduous azalea provide structure and color. A multitude of water-friendly irises in all shades bloom in the summertime.
Throughout the year, tulips, elephant ears, mums and other plants are added to the beds to mark the changing seasons. Foliate ferns and evergreens assure the garden is verdant even through the colder months. If you visit in January, peek under the gingko tree to see delicate white snowdrops poking through the snow and leaf litter.
Stop by the Rain Garden to see how you could add ecologically conscious beauty and utility to a low rainy spot in your own garden.
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Rose Garden
The Rose Garden at summertime provides a radiant profusion of color. As you walk around the formal geometric beds, you’ll see over 100 varieties of roses of all types. Look for stunning cultivars like the bright salmon ‘Marmalade Skies’, the sumptuous ‘Midnight Blue’, and the sunset hued ‘Love and Peace’. Be sure to stop and smell some of the hybrid-tea roses, many of which are bred for their enchanting fragrance. Keep your eyes peeled for the green nameplates that indicate the American Rose Society’s All-America Rose Selections.
In the center of the garden you’ll find benches shaded by lofty crepe myrtles, characterized by their rusty trunks and crowns of purple flowers. Along the western border you can walk under a pergola adorned with a canopy of sweetly scented climbing wisteria. Sit by the reflecting pool for a moment of pure tranquility.
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Rose Garden
The Rose Garden at summertime provides a radiant profusion of color. As you walk around the formal geometric beds, you’ll see over 100 varieties of roses of all types. Look for stunning cultivars like the bright salmon ‘Marmalade Skies’, the sumptuous ‘Midnight Blue’, and the sunset hued ‘Love and Peace’. Be sure to stop and smell some of the hybrid-tea roses, many of which are bred for their enchanting fragrance. Keep your eyes peeled for the green nameplates that indicate the American Rose Society’s All-America Rose Selections.
In the center of the garden you’ll find benches shaded by lofty crepe myrtles, characterized by their rusty trunks and crowns of purple flowers. Along the western border you can walk under a pergola adorned with a canopy of sweetly scented climbing wisteria. Sit by the reflecting pool for a moment of pure tranquility.
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Terraza de Arce
Maple Terrace es uno de los mejores jardines al que volver temporada tras temporada. A medida que cambia el clima, este jardín formal intercalado se transforma, y cada evolución es tan hermosa como la anterior. A principios de la primavera, el acónito amarillo del invierno, las campanillas blancas y los lirios morados llegan para alegrar el ambiente. El verano trae las flores bígaro del plomo azul, cuyas hojas se vuelven carmesí a medida que el clima se enfría.
El jardín brilla más en otoño, cuando las hojas escarlatas de los arces japoneses "Suminagashi" iluminan la terraza con color. Siéntese en los bancos que rodean el jardín para disfrutar de la fuente azul y del impresionante follaje otoñal.
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Terraza de Arce
Maple Terrace es uno de los mejores jardines al que volver temporada tras temporada. A medida que cambia el clima, este jardín formal intercalado se transforma, y cada evolución es tan hermosa como la anterior. A principios de la primavera, el acónito amarillo del invierno, las campanillas blancas y los lirios morados llegan para alegrar el ambiente. El verano trae las flores bígaro del plomo azul, cuyas hojas se vuelven carmesí a medida que el clima se enfría.
El jardín brilla más en otoño, cuando las hojas escarlatas de los arces japoneses "Suminagashi" iluminan la terraza con color. Siéntese en los bancos que rodean el jardín para disfrutar de la fuente azul y del impresionante follaje otoñal.
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Trial Garden
The Trial Garden is located along a hillside overlooking the east side of the Conservatories. This space allows our gardeners to explore and experiment with all the horticultural possibilities.
Throughout the years the Trail Garden has featured a myriad of innovative displays including a cocktail-themed garden of aromatic herbs, beds of delicious vegetables, and thousands of spring flowering bulbs.
This garden offers plenty of inspiration for home gardeners including a low-maintenance bed, beds featuring All-American Selection annuals, and summer displays of new and unusual plant varieties.
No matter the season, you’ll find compelling blends of color, texture, and taxonomy in the Trial Garden and we guarantee you’ll want to take some ideas home with you.
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Trial Garden
The Trial Garden is located along a hillside overlooking the east side of the Conservatories. This space allows our gardeners to explore and experiment with all the horticultural possibilities.
Throughout the years the Trail Garden has featured a myriad of innovative displays including a cocktail-themed garden of aromatic herbs, beds of delicious vegetables, and thousands of spring flowering bulbs.
This garden offers plenty of inspiration for home gardeners including a low-maintenance bed, beds featuring All-American Selection annuals, and summer displays of new and unusual plant varieties.
No matter the season, you’ll find compelling blends of color, texture, and taxonomy in the Trial Garden and we guarantee you’ll want to take some ideas home with you.
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The Underlook is a restful, shady spot for visitors to enjoy the view of the Aquatic Garden ponds while listening to the burbling water of the adjacent fountain.
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The Underlook is a restful, shady spot for visitors to enjoy the view of the Aquatic Garden ponds while listening to the burbling water of the adjacent fountain.
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Viburnum Garden
As the weather warms and spring flowers bloom, make your way to the Viburnum Garden. This garden is comprised of a collection of uniquely beautiful viburnums, flowering and fruiting shrubs, as well as native perennials.
Look for the ‘Compact Koreanspice’ viburnum with its fluffy snowball-like clusters of pale flowers. Lean in to smell the sweet fragrance of the tiny white blossoms. If you visit in early spring, you’ll find the stunning ‘Charles Lamont’ viburnum in bloom. This shrub’s dark, bare branches are adorned with clusters of pink flowers, echoing the lovely cherry blossom trees blooming throughout the gardens.
In the Summer months, see if you can spot the remarkable coloration of the ‘Aphrodite’ sweetshrub with its wine-red flowers set against glossy deep-green leaves. Make sure to find the highbush blueberry bushes amongst the viburnums.
In Spring, these shrubs drip with small bell-shaped flowers that, with the help of visiting pollinators, turn into sweet blueberries in the summer.
Planted with the shrubs you’ll also find colorful perennials, like the blue trumpet-shaped blooms of gentian, and native conifers, like feathery Atlantic white cedar.
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Viburnum Garden
As the weather warms and spring flowers bloom, make your way to the Viburnum Garden. This garden is comprised of a collection of uniquely beautiful viburnums, flowering and fruiting shrubs, as well as native perennials.
Look for the ‘Compact Koreanspice’ viburnum with its fluffy snowball-like clusters of pale flowers. Lean in to smell the sweet fragrance of the tiny white blossoms. If you visit in early spring, you’ll find the stunning ‘Charles Lamont’ viburnum in bloom. This shrub’s dark, bare branches are adorned with clusters of pink flowers, echoing the lovely cherry blossom trees blooming throughout the gardens.
In the Summer months, see if you can spot the remarkable coloration of the ‘Aphrodite’ sweetshrub with its wine-red flowers set against glossy deep-green leaves. Make sure to find the highbush blueberry bushes amongst the viburnums.
In Spring, these shrubs drip with small bell-shaped flowers that, with the help of visiting pollinators, turn into sweet blueberries in the summer.
Planted with the shrubs you’ll also find colorful perennials, like the blue trumpet-shaped blooms of gentian, and native conifers, like feathery Atlantic white cedar.
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Winter Garden
The Winter Garden is wonderfully different from the rest of the gardens, in that its most colorful in the coldest months. In late winter and early spring, bare yellow-twig and red-twig dogwood branches stand out from the drab dormant vegetation of the other gardens.
Weeping tendrils of yellow-flowered winter jasmine pour over the beds. Christmas fern and red spider lily cover the ground in a carpet of green. Evergreen hollies and bare-branched winterberries are decorated with bright red fruits. Look for the paperbush with its hanging bundles of sweet-scented yellow and white flowers. Notice the spidery witch-hazels flowers in yellow and copper.
In contrast to the abundance of color in winter and spring, the Winter Garden turns white in the summer, designed to look snow-covered during the hottest months. Look for tall clusters of white hydrangeas and azaleas. The quince tree in the center of the garden has beautiful white blossoms. Along the ground, you can find plumes of white astilbe, delicate cups of anemone flowers, and the tiny bright blooms of bugleweed and lungwort.
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Winter Garden
The Winter Garden is wonderfully different from the rest of the gardens, in that its most colorful in the coldest months. In late winter and early spring, bare yellow-twig and red-twig dogwood branches stand out from the drab dormant vegetation of the other gardens.
Weeping tendrils of yellow-flowered winter jasmine pour over the beds. Christmas fern and red spider lily cover the ground in a carpet of green. Evergreen hollies and bare-branched winterberries are decorated with bright red fruits. Look for the paperbush with its hanging bundles of sweet-scented yellow and white flowers. Notice the spidery witch-hazels flowers in yellow and copper.
In contrast to the abundance of color in winter and spring, the Winter Garden turns white in the summer, designed to look snow-covered during the hottest months. Look for tall clusters of white hydrangeas and azaleas. The quince tree in the center of the garden has beautiful white blossoms. Along the ground, you can find plumes of white astilbe, delicate cups of anemone flowers, and the tiny bright blooms of bugleweed and lungwort.
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Woodland Walk
A stroll along the Woodland Walk takes you from the manicured gardens of Brookside into an acre of serene wetland forest. Beneath a canopy of bald cypress and tulip poplar, fragrant and lemony spicebush, umbrella-leafed mayapple and thick skunk cabbage fill out the understory.
As you walk along the wooden boardwalk notice the native plant garden with over 120 species and cultivars of Maryland natives. Look for eastern columbine with its architectural scarlet flowers, bright orange and spotted turk’s-cap lilies, and delicate white mountain mint.
Take a rest on the octagonal observation deck to listen and watch for birds and other local wildlife. If you make your way along the length of the boardwalk, you’ll find the bridge to Brookside Nature Center. As you cross the bridge, check the brook for basking turtles, chirping frogs, and long-legged water-striders. Head up to the Nature Center to learn more about the flora and fauna you may have seen in the Woodland Walk garden.
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Woodland Walk
A stroll along the Woodland Walk takes you from the manicured gardens of Brookside into an acre of serene wetland forest. Beneath a canopy of bald cypress and tulip poplar, fragrant and lemony spicebush, umbrella-leafed mayapple and thick skunk cabbage fill out the understory.
As you walk along the wooden boardwalk notice the native plant garden with over 120 species and cultivars of Maryland natives. Look for eastern columbine with its architectural scarlet flowers, bright orange and spotted turk’s-cap lilies, and delicate white mountain mint.
Take a rest on the octagonal observation deck to listen and watch for birds and other local wildlife. If you make your way along the length of the boardwalk, you’ll find the bridge to Brookside Nature Center. As you cross the bridge, check the brook for basking turtles, chirping frogs, and long-legged water-striders. Head up to the Nature Center to learn more about the flora and fauna you may have seen in the Woodland Walk garden.
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Yew Garden
Neatly trimmed hedges frame the idyllic Yew Garden. As you enter under an arch of fragrant climbing hyacinth vine, you’ll see a tidy lawn bordered by a mix of colorful seasonal plantings, including annuals like open-faced, vibrant vinca and exquisite tropicals like tall, vivid canna lilies. Included in the bordering beds are the unique flowering crabapple trees, trained to have parallel branches in the espalier style. As you stroll along the central path, notice how striking the bright blooms are against the dark backdrop of the evergreen yew.
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Yew Garden
Neatly trimmed hedges frame the idyllic Yew Garden. As you enter under an arch of fragrant climbing hyacinth vine, you’ll see a tidy lawn bordered by a mix of colorful seasonal plantings, including annuals like open-faced, vibrant vinca and exquisite tropicals like tall, vivid canna lilies. Included in the bordering beds are the unique flowering crabapple trees, trained to have parallel branches in the espalier style. As you stroll along the central path, notice how striking the bright blooms are against the dark backdrop of the evergreen yew.
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South Terrace
From spring to fall, 30 different types of flowering bulbs bloom in succession under the ginkgoes in the South Terrace, bringing color to the garden month after month.
Be sure to find the pre-historic beds on the Visitors Center Terrace to see ancient horsetail and ginkgoes, plants that have been around since the dinosaurs roamed. On summer evenings, the South Terrace is often rented for weddings and other social events.
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South Terrace
From spring to fall, 30 different types of flowering bulbs bloom in succession under the ginkgoes in the South Terrace, bringing color to the garden month after month.
Be sure to find the pre-historic beds on the Visitors Center Terrace to see ancient horsetail and ginkgoes, plants that have been around since the dinosaurs roamed. On summer evenings, the South Terrace is often rented for weddings and other social events.
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Terraza Sur
Desde la primavera hasta el otoño, 30 tipos diferentes de bulbos florecen sucesivamente bajo los ginkgos en la Terraza Sur, aportando color al jardín mes tras mes.
Asegúrese de encontrar los lechos prehistóricos en la terraza del centro de visitantes para ver la antigua cola de caballo y los ginkgos, plantas que han existido desde que los dinosaurios vagaban. En las noches de verano, la Terraza Sur suele alquilarse para bodas y otros eventos sociales.
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Terraza Sur
Desde la primavera hasta el otoño, 30 tipos diferentes de bulbos florecen sucesivamente bajo los ginkgos en la Terraza Sur, aportando color al jardín mes tras mes.
Asegúrese de encontrar los lechos prehistóricos en la terraza del centro de visitantes para ver la antigua cola de caballo y los ginkgos, plantas que han existido desde que los dinosaurios vagaban. En las noches de verano, la Terraza Sur suele alquilarse para bodas y otros eventos sociales.
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Camellia Garden
Camellias are some of the most stunning flowers you can find at Brookside Gardens. Set against dark-green glossy leaves the bright, large-petaled camellia blossoms seem to glow.
In the Camellia Garden at Brookside you’ll find unique varieties of this evergreen shrub blooming throughout the year. Some varieties flower in the late fall and last through early winter like the white-flowered ‘Winter’s Waterlily’ and the charming pink ‘Winter’s Interlude’. Spicy-scented ribbon-petaled witch-hazel flowers accompany these cold-weather camellias through the winter.
In spring, the underlying perennials start to come into bloom. You can spot bright yellow daffodils and jonquils rising from the leaf litter and orange bishop’s hat putting out delicate spiked flowers. In late spring and summer, new camellias bloom, like the bright ‘Tama-no-ura’ with its hot-pink petals surrounding a bouquet of yellow stamens.
Another spring-bloomer is the ‘Bernice Boddy’ with its wide, pale pink petals. In the summer, the camellias are joined by hardy begonia and feathery sweetbox. Make your way to the Camellia Garden every season to catch a glimpse of each spectacular variety.
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Camellia Garden
Camellias are some of the most stunning flowers you can find at Brookside Gardens. Set against dark-green glossy leaves the bright, large-petaled camellia blossoms seem to glow.
In the Camellia Garden at Brookside you’ll find unique varieties of this evergreen shrub blooming throughout the year. Some varieties flower in the late fall and last through early winter like the white-flowered ‘Winter’s Waterlily’ and the charming pink ‘Winter’s Interlude’. Spicy-scented ribbon-petaled witch-hazel flowers accompany these cold-weather camellias through the winter.
In spring, the underlying perennials start to come into bloom. You can spot bright yellow daffodils and jonquils rising from the leaf litter and orange bishop’s hat putting out delicate spiked flowers. In late spring and summer, new camellias bloom, like the bright ‘Tama-no-ura’ with its hot-pink petals surrounding a bouquet of yellow stamens.
Another spring-bloomer is the ‘Bernice Boddy’ with its wide, pale pink petals. In the summer, the camellias are joined by hardy begonia and feathery sweetbox. Make your way to the Camellia Garden every season to catch a glimpse of each spectacular variety.
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Jardín de Camelia
Las camelias son algunas de las flores más impresionantes que puedes encontrar en Brookside Gardens. Contra las hojas brillantes de color verde oscuro, las brillantes flores de camelia de pétalos grandes parecen brillar.
En Camellia Garden en Brookside encontrará variedades únicas de este arbusto de hoja perenne que florece durante todo el año. Algunas variedades florecen a finales del otoño y duran hasta principios del invierno, como el "Winter's Waterlily" de flores blancas y el encantador rosa "Winter's Interlude". Las flores de hamamelis con pétalos de cinta y aroma especiado acompañan a estas camelias de clima frío durante el invierno.
En primavera, las plantas perennes subyacentes comienzan a florecer. Puedes ver narcisos y junquillos de color amarillo brillante surgiendo de la hojarasca y el sombrero de obispo naranja del que salen delicadas flores con púas. A finales de primavera y verano, florecen nuevas camelias, como la brillante 'Tama-no-ura' con sus pétalos de color rosa intenso que rodean un ramo de estambres amarillos.
Otro que florece en primavera es el "Bernice Boddy" con sus pétalos anchos de color rosa pálido. En verano, a las camelias se les unen las resistentes begonias y los plumosos dulces. Dirígete al Camellia Garden cada temporada para echar un vistazo a cada espectacular variedad.
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Jardín de Camelia
Las camelias son algunas de las flores más impresionantes que puedes encontrar en Brookside Gardens. Contra las hojas brillantes de color verde oscuro, las brillantes flores de camelia de pétalos grandes parecen brillar.
En Camellia Garden en Brookside encontrará variedades únicas de este arbusto de hoja perenne que florece durante todo el año. Algunas variedades florecen a finales del otoño y duran hasta principios del invierno, como el "Winter's Waterlily" de flores blancas y el encantador rosa "Winter's Interlude". Las flores de hamamelis con pétalos de cinta y aroma especiado acompañan a estas camelias de clima frío durante el invierno.
En primavera, las plantas perennes subyacentes comienzan a florecer. Puedes ver narcisos y junquillos de color amarillo brillante surgiendo de la hojarasca y el sombrero de obispo naranja del que salen delicadas flores con púas. A finales de primavera y verano, florecen nuevas camelias, como la brillante 'Tama-no-ura' con sus pétalos de color rosa intenso que rodean un ramo de estambres amarillos.
Otro que florece en primavera es el "Bernice Boddy" con sus pétalos anchos de color rosa pálido. En verano, a las camelias se les unen las resistentes begonias y los plumosos dulces. Dirígete al Camellia Garden cada temporada para echar un vistazo a cada espectacular variedad.
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Jardín Viburnum
A medida que el clima se calienta y florecen las flores primaverales, dirígete al Jardín Viburnum. Este jardín se compone de una colección de viburnos, arbustos con flores y frutos de singular belleza, así como plantas perennes nativas.
Busque el viburnum "Compact Koreanspice" con sus esponjosos racimos de flores pálidas en forma de bolas de nieve. Inclínate para oler la dulce fragancia de las diminutas flores blancas. Si lo visitas a principios de la primavera, encontrarás el impresionante viburnum "Charles Lamont" en flor. Las ramas oscuras y desnudas de este arbusto están adornadas con racimos de flores rosadas, que hacen eco de los hermosos cerezos que florecen en los jardines.
En los meses de verano, vea si puede detectar la extraordinaria coloración del arbusto dulce "Afrodita" con sus flores de color rojo vino contrastadas con hojas brillantes de color verde intenso. Asegúrate de encontrar los arbustos de arándanos altos entre los viburnos.
En primavera, estos arbustos destilan pequeñas flores en forma de campana que, con la ayuda de los polinizadores visitantes, se convierten en dulces arándanos en el verano.
Junto a los arbustos también encontrarás coloridas plantas perennes, como las flores azules en forma de trompeta de la genciana, y coníferas nativas, como el plumoso cedro blanco del Atlántico.
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Jardín Viburnum
A medida que el clima se calienta y florecen las flores primaverales, dirígete al Jardín Viburnum. Este jardín se compone de una colección de viburnos, arbustos con flores y frutos de singular belleza, así como plantas perennes nativas.
Busque el viburnum "Compact Koreanspice" con sus esponjosos racimos de flores pálidas en forma de bolas de nieve. Inclínate para oler la dulce fragancia de las diminutas flores blancas. Si lo visitas a principios de la primavera, encontrarás el impresionante viburnum "Charles Lamont" en flor. Las ramas oscuras y desnudas de este arbusto están adornadas con racimos de flores rosadas, que hacen eco de los hermosos cerezos que florecen en los jardines.
En los meses de verano, vea si puede detectar la extraordinaria coloración del arbusto dulce "Afrodita" con sus flores de color rojo vino contrastadas con hojas brillantes de color verde intenso. Asegúrate de encontrar los arbustos de arándanos altos entre los viburnos.
En primavera, estos arbustos destilan pequeñas flores en forma de campana que, con la ayuda de los polinizadores visitantes, se convierten en dulces arándanos en el verano.
Junto a los arbustos también encontrarás coloridas plantas perennes, como las flores azules en forma de trompeta de la genciana, y coníferas nativas, como el plumoso cedro blanco del Atlántico.
HTMLText_E741616D_C43F_41E0_41D1_E6DD12002A99_mobile.html = Use the Dropdown menu to find all the butterflies.
Click on the butterfly images for more information
HTMLText_E741616D_C43F_41E0_41D1_E6DD12002A99.html = Use the Dropdown menu to find all the butterflies.
Click on the butterfly images for more information
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## Tour
### Description
tour.description = Enhanced Virtual Tour of Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland
### Title
tour.name = Brookside Gardens